TBC BOOMKIN GOD WEAKAURA (wotlk version in description)

TBC BOOMKIN GOD WEAKAURA (wotlk version in description)


NEW WOTLK VERSION >>> https://wago.io/qois95lev

WeakAura with everything you need to own in TBC.

Brown bar = treants duration ---- will add their HP tracker later

Blue bar = regen/mana tick

Yellow bar = barkskin duration

Yellow progress texture = Quagmirran's Eye trinket buff

Cooldown text is disabled on all weakauras so i recommend you to get an addon called "OmniCC" https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/omni-cc

Also recommend you to use an addon called Masque(black square background) to make it look this good, but thats your choice. https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/masque