[TBC] DharsConsumesTracker - Hunter

[TBC] DharsConsumesTracker - Hunter


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This is best paired with my 'DharsCharacterPanel - Hunter' WA


- Shows the missing/expiring consumes near your buffs (default: top right) for you and your pet

- This is intended to be a quick visual reference to glance at your buffs and see if any consumes are about to expire

- Activates when your consumable has a duration of 3 minutes left, 5 minutes for food buff & weapon stones

- Inactive: 100% alpha | Active: 0% alpha | Expiring: 35% & pixel glow


- Only loads in instanced environment, disabled load while solo

- Duration at which the WA becomes visible is configurable in 'Condition 2'

- I play on a 1080p monitor & have a custom location for my buffs, so you will have to move the "Group" to place it above your buffs on your screen.