Healer Unit Frame Alerts
Based on Illidari Council - Deadly Poison Glow UI by Malstrom (https://wago.io/kLU9wwzUU)
Tested with Luna Unit Frames and default Blizzard raid frames
Tracks the following debuffs:
Lady Vashj : Static Charge
Rage Winterchill: Icebolt
Illidan Stormrage: Shear, Dark Barrage
Illidari Council: Deadly Poison
Najentus: Impaling Spine
Reliquary of the Lost: Spite, Deaden
Gurtogg Bloodboil: Fel Rage
Nalorakk: Lacerating Slash, Rend Flesh
Kael'Thas Sunstrider: Conflagrate
Brutallus: Stomp, Burn
Felmyst: Encapsulate, Corrosion
Eredar Twins: Conflagration
Kil'Jaeden: Fire Bloom, Soul Flay