TBC - RaidSlack Consume / Consumable / Food / Flask /  Readycheck / Raidtool

Announces missing consumables from all Raiders @ Readycheck with names attached in /RAID.

Its made for a raiding guild that requires at least 1 type of Elixir / Flask and 1 Food buff to be active while Raiding.

Checks for new TBC elixir's & flasks and some classic flasks.

+Load is = IN RAID 10/25

- Checks for Flask's / Elixir's

- Checks for Well Fed

@ Readycheck

- All checks can be modified/added/removed if you want, in "Trigger 1".

for example, If your guild is more "hardcore" and requires "New TBC Flasks Only".

> remove/add Elixir's and Flask names in trigger 1 @ "Flask Buff Check".

> same is true about food buff, you can add/remove food buff types in "Food Buff Check".

If multiple ppl dont have anything on, it will make a line for each person. Not recommened to use in pugs or 40 man raids where many ppl wont consume up. (Many lines)

I do realize its very simple weakaura, but it does its job, if most are consuming up and only few are missing, then It is great.


CHECK OUT: Potion raid tracker made by a Guildie: https://wago.io/VOu1hG2TZ



Flask of Blinding Light

Flask of Pure Death

Flask of Relentless Assault

Flask of Mighty Restoration

Flask of Fortification

Flask of Chromatic Wonder

Distilled Wisdom

Major Shadow Power

Major Firepower

Major Frost Power

Major Strength

Onslaught Elixir

Fel Strength Elixir

Healing Power

Major Agility

Elixir of Demonslaying

Elixir of Major Defense

Elixir of Major Fortitude

Elixir of Draenic Wisdom

Supreme Power

Blinding Light of Shattrath

Fortification of Shattrath

Mighty Restoration of Shattrath

Relentless Assault of Shattrath

Pure Death of Shattrath

Supreme Power of Shattrath

Chromatic Wonder


Well Fed
