TBC Tank Uncrittable Uncrushable Track

TBC Tank Uncrittable Uncrushable Track


Heavily modified from https://wago.io/8svYsh795


Takes into account raw resilience, defense and their ratings, along with talents to determine if you are uncrittable.

Also calculates uncrushable for you (102.4% avoidance).

Everything is now color coded according to the appropriate thresholds.

Red is failure to meet threshold, green is success to meet threshold.

Added support of "Survival of the Fittest" talent for feral druid tanks.

100% accuracy if level 70, no assumptions are made about your talents or stats, everything is pulled and checked.

On the left:

Displays current chance to be critically hit by level 70 and 73 mobs.

Shows how much additional avoidance is needed to be uncrushable.

On the right:

Displays how much either resilience rating or defense rating is needed to reach cap for level 73 mobs.