Built from Luxthos Monk WA. VERY MUCH inspired by AtrocityUI.
I'd urge you to add FLS to the Babylonius Last Ability Tracker since 10.0.5.
Check out my other WW Spec WA, the one I'm currently using: https://wago.io/S5S9MRRa1
Biggest differences from AtrocityUI's WA is that buffs are tracked top right (like in Luxthos' WA) but the center tracks Power Strikes and TOTM along with the Last Ability Tracker from Babylonius.
Defensives are moved out into their own group. They're still in the Utilities group set to never load so feel free to reenable those if you prefer them there.
The Potions tracker and the random trinket tracker floating above my health bar is not included.