Test of Might w/ Estimated Strength

Test of Might w/ Estimated Strength


A tracker for the azerite trait "Test of Might". Displays the estimated amount of strength you will get during Colossus Smash/Warbreaker as well as the full amount once you have the buff. Automatically accounts for how many ToM traits you have, adjusts for the ilevel of the gear, and supports PvP values.


Due to execute's varying cost, this Weak Aura will not be entirely accurate when using Execute. Once you receive the Test of Might buff, the value will be corrected.



Sep, 15th -- Made some improvements to predicting Executes' cost. The aura will now check to see if Execute cost the full 40 rage before determining the predicted cost.

-- Removed InCombat Load condition

-- Fixed a bug where the value of strength would carry over to the next usage


Sep, 20th -- The aura will now automatically check for how many 'Test of Might' traits you have (thanks to fallobst22 for some of that code)

-- Fixed tracking for Colossus smash when not talented into Warbreaker


Sep, 25th -- Adjusted the values to account for the 15% nerf that was hotfixed on Sep, 24th 2018

-- The aura will now take gear slot ilevel into account with the ToM strength value

-- PvP is now supported. The aura will automatically adjust it's value while you are in PvP combat. **Disclaimer** The formula for Test of Might while in PvP combat is still a little unknown to me. I found a value that works using an ilevel 340 piece as a base. I then scaled all other ilevels accordingly, but have no way of confirming those numbers until I get some different ilevel pieces. If you find an error with the numbers, please report the ilevel of the piece you used, the predicted value that was shown, and the actual value that was shown when the buff was active. Thanks!

v1.4.1 -- Small fix regarding PvP support. Apparently raid bosses are flagged for PvP :)


Oct, 15th -- Major Bug fixes. Changed spellName usage to spellID to allow for this aura to function on non English clients. Please let me know if you have any issues

v1.4.4 -- Minor fix to Execute spellid when not talented into Massacre

v1.4.5 -- Sudden Death is now taken into account

v1.4.6 -- Fixed a bug with the stack size return that would cause the str amount when you have the buff to not display properly

-- Fixed a bug that would cause the pvp check to not work correctly when attacking npcs in BGs

v1.5 -- Huge code cleanup and overall redesign of some of the triggers

-- the aura should no longer show up when you don't have any Test of Might traits


Oct, 22nd -- added fix for COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED issues

-- fixed an efficiency issue with the aura tracking ability cost outside of CS window


Nov, 9th -- added a few missing execute spell id's

-- version number has been moved to the Weak Auras' tooltip instead of the title. Should help with version updating

v1.8 -- fixed a bug causing ability cost to not be accounted for properly (sorry this took so long)

-- Added missing ilvls for Azerite Empowered. I've prepared the changes for 8.1 that will effect this trait as well, just waiting for it to actually work on PTR.

v1.9.0 -- Updated values for 8.3 azerite

Feb, 6th 2020 -- All displayed text is now individually configurable from the 'Display' tab

v1.9.1 -- azerite str values are now taken dynamically from the tooltip. Now I don't have to worry about missing any ilvls :P

-- fixed issue with not all azerite tiers being accounted for

v1.9.2 -- added localization for patch 1.9.1 dynamic change to address nil 'strValue' issue on non-US clients

Feb, 15th 2020 -- in-game tooltip version now properly matches wago version (I forgot a decimal)

v1.9.3 -- localization wasn't needed after all. Removed it and added a separate check for strValue

Feb, 18th 2020


Known bugs -- Executes varying cost makes the prediction when casting it slightly off

-- TLDR: Execute is the bane of my existence