Thoreso's Tank Stats

Thoreso's Tank Stats


Tank stats for Paladin, Death Knight, Warrior, and Druid tanks!

1. Simply go to "Custom Options" to choose which stats you want to display!

2. Then, open Character Info to see your stats.

a. If you wish to unlink the aura from Character Info, go to the settings and make sure the following is true: Group > Position Settings > Anchored To > Screen/Parent Group.

New Support

- Added support to accurately account for Warrior, Death Knight, and Druid tanks.

- Warrior functions to account for Defensive Stance, Berserker Stance, Shield Wall, and Recklessness.

- Druid functions to account for Barkskin, Bear form, Dire Bear Form, Survival of the Fittest, and Protector of the Pack.

- Death Knight functions to account for Frost Presence, Blade Barrier, Frigid Dreadplate, and even Icebound Fortitude.

- Added support for Night Elf's 2% miss chance racial.

Issues Fixed

- Talent info for Improved Righteous Fury was being called incorrectly and not providing more than 2% damage resistance.

- Shield of the Templar’s damage resistance was not accounted for.

- Blessing of Sanctuary was providing 3% damage reduction, but Greater Blessing of Sanctuary was not.

- Diminishing returns on Miss chance were not being accounted for.

New Stats

- Added the EHB+SBV stat, which uses a mathematical formula to determine what percentage of an enemies damage you are negating through block value, and block chance. This stat will change depending on how hard the enemy you face can hit, and therefore an adjustable stat was required. (See below)

- Added "Average Enemy Melee Swing", which is a custom option for a personally adjustable enemy melee attack stat. This is necessary in determining the effectiveness of your block value and block chance at increasing survivability against different strength enemies. By default this number is set to 45500, which is approximately how hard 25man Patchwerk will be melee attacking you for before mitigation.

- Added the Tank Points (TP) stat, which is EHP+SBV while also accounting for avoidance. Like all things involving avoidance, this is an RNG dependent stat, but will show you the average amount of unmitigated damage it will take to kill you, whereas EHP shows you the minimum amount of damage it would take to kill you.

- Added the Unhittable stat, and renamed bypass to Hittable. Pick only one of these stats to display, as they both accomplish the same goal of showing what percentage of enemy attacks will get past block, miss, dodge, and parry to become a normal hit.


This weak aura is made by Thoreso using the framework of the Itankadin weak aura with several fixes, quality of life improvements, and numerous additional features. These updates and fixes for the original aura are not affiliated with the original author, and all credit for the original code goes to them. The original Itankadin Collection can be found here: