Fires off a few random quotes from the infamous TikTok NPC Streams every time you eat food without food buff.
Has around 40 total voice lines. By default picks 1 random one to fire off every 2 seconds while you eat food. Some voice lines incorporate grabbing a random name from your party / raid as well. No voice lines are mean spirited or rude in any way.
By default Load conditions are in 5 man dungeons and raids. This will spam a lot obviously, so if you want to only use it with your guild mythic raids, just set the load conditions to only 20 man raids.
My guild had a good laugh at the new amazing trend and I was bored one night. Yes I need help.
If you're feeling spicy you can add your own messages by going into "Actions > On Init > Expand" and following the pattern for the messages there.
- Customize frequency of messages
- Toggle priority for more "popular" messages to fire more often