Train Set Terror

Train Set Terror


The "Train Set Terror" WeakAura

The Trigger

Is there a rascal in your raid group who thinks it's a hoot to unleash the cacophonous chaos of the Toy Train Set, drowning everyone in a sea of emotes? If you've ever found yourself in the middle of a boss fight, trying to focus, only to be disrupted by the sound of a thousand tiny trains chugging in your ears, then this is the WeakAura for you!

  • Required for Activation: Toy Train Set mischief
  • Trigger 1:
    • Events: Someone, somewhere in your party or raid, drops a Toy Train Set.

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Just like that pesky train set, our anti-train vigilance has a lifespan.

  • Timed, 30 sec: The WeakAura will go back into hibernation 30 seconds after it was triggered. Don't worry, it's just resting its eyes, ready for the next Toy Train Set outrage.


Time to name and shame! The moment the Toy Train Set is deployed, this WeakAura springs into action, delivering an important message to your screen: the name of the rascal that dared to used this cursed toy!


It's the "Train Set Terror" WeakAura, swooping in to save your sanity from the relentless emotes of the Toy Train Set! With a flash, it names the train-loving miscreant for everyone to shame them!

Don your conductor's cap and get ready to derail the Toy Train Set shenanigans!