Health, Mana, Rage and Energy bars, for all classes. Includes Swing timer, Mana and Energy regeneration timers. Combo points in separate upload.
Make sure to check the "lite" version if you think the bars are too large and/or don't need the total resource amount:
Table of content:
♦ Health Bar, current health, total health and %
♦ Mana Bar, current mana, total mana and %
♦ Mana Regen Rule, 5sec no cast M/2sec
♦ Rage Bar, current value and %
♦ Energy Bar, Current value and %
♦ Energy Regen tracker
♦ Attack Swing Bar
♦ Seperate Mana+Rage/Energy bar for Druid shapes
This is the centerpiece, or base, that I build all my Weak Auras around. Being the central piece for all abilities, counters and indicators it is also the x0y0 point for all anchors on the rest of my auras.
It is especially useful in combination with my other Weak Auras, such as racials, CC counters and class UIs.
All feedback is greatly appreciated, and taken into consideration for updates and alternative versions!
*The white line going through Mana Bar is a custom option that can be toggled and edited depending on your most cast spell, this is to make sure you get optimal regen during your window and don't finish a cast in the middle of a regeneration.
This can be accessed though "Classic Mana regen rule -> Custom Option"
- Edited Energy Regen to keep regenerating out of combat, stopping at 100%.