Tuft of Smoldering Plumage (with whisper to mouseover)


Whispers your mouseovered target with:

Cheating death on you (max 6 sec)

Hope this works for people casting their healing spells per mouseover and primaly having the Boss in their Target.

Macro for Mouseover:

showtooltip Tuft of Smoldering Plumage

/use [@mouseover,help,nodead] Tuft of Smoldering Plumage

It´s nearly the same Weakaura as in https://wago.io/cGTOaRIM9 which whispers to your target. I have simply changed target with mouseover in the Weakaura and hope it will work for people using mouseover.

I am new in LUA and doing some Weakaura is a way of passing time during my incapacity for work. So please don´t judge me :)

I know there should be a way with "if then" function but i don´t know how to so yet. :)