How to install:
1) Download CustomAuras from
2) Create a Folder called "CustomAuras" in "WoW\Interface\addons\" and place all files in the CustomAuras folder
3) Restart Game
4) Import String
Created by Acarin-Eredar // Basic Design by Slootbag
This is a collection of 35 auras:
Grid DK Frost (texture)
Globe DK Frost (texture)
Gloss DK Frost (texture)
Health High DK Frost (progresstexture)
Health Medium DK Frost (progresstexture)
Health Low DK Frost (progresstexture)
Absorb DK Frost (progresstexture)
Backdrop DK Frost (texture)
Health Percent Text DK Frost (text)
Health Value Text DK Frost (text)
Shields Amount DK Frost (text)
Shields Timer DK Frost (text)
Rune 1 Timer DK Frosst (text)
Rune 2 Timer DK Frost (text)
Rune 3 Timer DK Frost (text)
Rune 4 Timer DK Frost (text)
Rune 5 Timer DK Frost (text)
Rune 6 Timer DK Frost (text)
Runic Power Text DK Frost (text)
Rune 1 DK Frost (texture)
Rune 1 Full DK Frost (texture)
Rune 2 DK Frost (texture)
Rune 2 Full DK Frost (texture)
Rune 3 DK Frost (texture)
Rune 3 Full DK Frost (texture)
Rune 4 DK Frost (texture)
Rune 4 Full DK Frost (texture)
Rune 5 DK Frost (texture)
Rune 5 Full DK Frost (texture)
Rune 6 DK Frost (texture)
Rune 6 Full DK Frost (texture)
Runic Power Bar DK Frost (progresstexture)
Breath Active (texture)
Breath Ready (texture)
Breath CD (progresstexture)