Uldir Burst heal timers

Uldir Burst heal timers


=> https://wago.io/BattleOfDazaralor_burst_timers

=> https://wago.io/BattleOfDazaralor_burst_timers

Timers for major aoe in Uldir raid, with disc pre burst rotation, + Holy Word Salvation, Wild Growth & Chi-Burst pre-cast helper

Important note: require WeakAuras >= 2.7.9 beta

If you want to get a notification when this aura is updated, register on Wago with your discord account and add this aura to your favorites.

If you don't want the helpers functions, uncheck the 2 custom code in "Actions" tab

You can contact me on bnet "Buds#2359" or on Discord "Buds#0500"

If you want to support me and my work, you can always donate via Paypal or Patreon

Also check out https://wago.io/Uldir_GlowingFrames


14/11: fixed for last alpha version of weakauras

07/11: removed Clogged Arteries

04/11: auras tracking debuff use the new bufftrigger2 trigger

28/09: fix surging darkness for DBM

27/09: adjusted zek'voz surging darkness timer, and made it use only the 1st cast (confirmed with BW, not yet test with DBM)

15/09: ignore Bigwigs cast-bar, require WeakAuras 2.7.8

15/09: revert previous change, i will update with a proper solution after next WeakAuras release

14/09: for Bigwigs users, auto disable cast-bar option and enable bar option

10/09: fixed zul's dark revelation spellid

09/09: fixed dynamic info from Trigger1 => first active trigger, this fix bar not moving with DBM

09/09: fixed monk and druid helper and added holy word salvation for HPriest

09/09: Dark Revelation & Imminent Ruin are now based on aura instead of bossmod

06/09: imported with 2.7.6 - kept sounds only for PW:R

08/08: cleanup: removed disc postburst rotation, debug code, and timers i did before the adjust timer function

31/07: added BW & DBM based timers with a fixed 15s duration, old timers are kept unloaded until testing in raid - needs WA 2.6.5 or newer

13/07: disc rotation update

13/07: added lines to show when to start casting, and moved icons between lines

12/07: changed pool system, fix some icon problems

07/07: update disc rotation

03/07: first release