Ultimate Range Check [detailed] TBC

Ultimate Range Check [detailed] TBC


One of

the most optimized range checkers for bc hunters. Works for any level and spec (wingclip/hawk eye/scatter shot are not required)

Detailed version shows exact range between you and a target.

The ranges on the picture is an example of what can it show (it will adapt to your spec).

You can:

  • add sounds for certain ranges. Press add property change -> sound for specific color on conditions tab.

  • change colors (at the same conditions tab, just click the color)

  • change size/border and other settings of the bar (display tab)

You can copy visual part from another wa.

Right click on original wa -> copy settings -> display -> Right click on this wa -> Paste display settings

And then change Text 1 to "%n". Delete Text 2+ if it exists.

If you want to show different images for different ranges (for example), you can use code from this wa like this: https://pastebin.com/WWgaVjJP

Example: https://wago.io/6KiYAfr0l

Feel free to profile it.