Unholy Frenzy Me

Unholy Frenzy Me


Displays an icon, text message and plays a sound when incoming whisper contains "uf", "unholy frenzy", "hysteria" or "unholyfrenzy", or when a player runs "/run WeakAuras.ScanEvents("ASK_UF")".

For the "/run WeakAuras.ScanEvents("ASK_UF")" to function, enter list of DK w/ Unholy Frenzy in "Ask Unholy Frenzy" WA Custom Options.

Also highlights the player unit frame (party or raid frame) who requested UF.

Sends a whisper confirmation to the target of your UF. "Unholy Frenzy on you!"

When UF is on CD and a whisper request is made, will reply with "Sorry, my Unholy Frenzy is on CD for x secs"
