I have discontinued work on this aura group, and others like it.
All work will now be done to this group:
Supplementary information (for important abilities) available here:
13 January 2017:
Updated for 7.1.5.
17 September 2016:
I made an oopsie and forgot to change the tracker for Scourge of Worlds to "Target: Debuff" from "Player: Buff" (the default). That's fixed. Also, Soul Reaper now displays the stack number (so you know whether you've burst three wounds in the window).
13 September 2016:
Runic Power bar flashes when you're capped.
12 September 2016:
Added Apocalypse cooldown, tracking for Sudden Doom (and Double Doom), and tracking for Scourge of Worlds.
Check out all of my suites!:
Death Knight Runes/RP here: https://wago.io/4y4BcVhQz
Blood Death Knight is available here: https://wago.io/Vyagcc8dZ
Frost Death Knight is available here: https://wago.io/41MU5qLOZ
Unholy Death Knight is available here: https://wago.io/Ekb2iW5v-
Prot Warrior is available here: https://wago.io/NyvIxKDmG
Feral Druid is available here: https://wago.io/41qjcZ7tG
Completely comprehensive for Blood, Frost, and Unholy
If you run into any bugs, hit me up on Discord: Tehr#5246
Looks like this when: (not in combat, no runes recharging, no RP, no active auras)
https://www.twitch.tv/tehrible/v/79717673 (shows tracking of the basics, plus Ebon Fever, Epidemic, Corpse Shield, Necrosis, and Soul Reaper)
https://www.twitch.tv/tehrible/v/79711375 (shows tracking of the basics, plus Ebon Fever, Unholy Frenzy, Pestilent Pustules, Shadow Infusion, and Dark Arbiter)
Videos are slightly outdated, Dark Arbiter now shows % damage increase in addition to time left http://i.imgur.com/r7UwC81.jpg and Icebound Fortitude and Anti-Magic Shell now show when active http://i.imgur.com/8lluzc4.jpg
Unholy Frenzy (White bar moving to the right behind runes)
Runic Corruption (Green bar moving to the left behind runes)
Corpse Shield (and pet health) not including CD (because you don't need to use this on CD)
Soul Reaper
Dark Arbiter/Gargoyle
Dark Arbiter damage increase % (code originally by Snaka)
Defile/DnD (and when you're not standing in it for cleave)
Ghoul/Dark Transformation
Blighted Rune Weapon
Festering Wounds
Virulent Plague
Pestilent Pustules (code originally by Snaka, edited by me to work for Castigator and Apocalypse)
Necrosis (Green bar moving to the left behind Festering Wounds)
Scourge of Worlds (Green bar moving to the left behind Runic Power)
Sudden Doom (Runic Power number flashes green and bounces)
Double Doom (Runic Power number flashes green and bounces, accompanied with an "x2")
Anti-Magic Shell
Icebound Fortitude