unitscan GUI

unitscan GUI


unitscan GUI

Tremendously improved version of 'unitscan GUI' by kryolite (https://wago.io/ZFxXK8xby)


  • View your current unitscan targets in graphical form (via custom options) instead of text

  • Define per-character unitscan targets, which only are added to unitscan while you are playing on that particular character

  • Define global unitscan targets, which apply to all characters you play (this is the replacement for /unitscan <name>)

  • Ability to toggle unitscan targets on/off, without actually removing them from the WeakAura (useful for temporaily hiding a unitscan target)

  • Makes adding/removing accented names possible. Currently unitscan allows you to add accented names but removing them is impossible unless you go into the .lua saved file. Removing them is also easy as you simply delete the entry rather than re-type in the accented name.

  • Does not overwrite existing unitscan targets/settings