Vanquisher's Hammer Stack and Timer Trackers / Avenging Wrath Tracker

1/4/22 Shadowlands - Holy Paladin

This WeakAura tracks the time remaining and stacks remaining after using Vanquisher's Hammer; which procs free and instant Light of Dawn casts when you use Word of Glory.

The green number is the remaining stacks of Light of Dawn procs and the white number tracks the remaining charges of Vanquisher's Hammer ability. The small white bar above the main bars track the cooldown of Vanquisher's Hammer ability.

main bar.

The main top bar tracks the renaming time of your Light of Dawn Procs and the bottom bar tracks Avenging Wrath. Both of the bars blink like the top of a police car whenever Vanquisher's Hammer(top bar) or Avenging Wrath(bottom bar) are active and turn orange-ish when they are on cooldown.


You will need Weak Auras Stop Motion package which is a separate download from your addon provider by the same author as Weak Auras.

I use ElvUI with the UI Scale set to 0.71, you can navigate to this setting in ElvUI by going to General>General>UI Scale ( This may affect the image size and positioning of this weak aura).

If you're using default blizzard UI, you may have to adjust the size and positioning settings of this weak aura.

-Link to custom image file (combust.png):

-Link to BLPC:

I've uploaded this image in .png format. In order for it to work in WOW you'll need to convert this image into .blp format(the image creation software I use(GIMP) doesn't have the option to convert to .blp and the image upload website wont accept .blp format) I use a small program called BLPC to convert from .png to .blp, see link above.

Note: I could have used .tga(WOW supports .tga and .blp), but I've found weak auras I've made with .tga image format cause my screen to jerk in game so I only use .blp now and things run smooth as butter.

How to use BLPC, because it can be a bit finicky: Under options I use the following settings:

- format: Dxt5

- Resize Method: Extend

- Dxt Quality: Best (Slower Conversion)

- Mipmaps: (add checkmark)

Then create a new folder on your desktop and put your .png image file inside this folder.

In BLPC navigate to File > Batch Conversion and select the newly created folder as your input and output directory.

The conversion file type options should be set to: PNG > BLP

I uncheck include subfolders and hit start.

Then take the newly created image file named combust.blp and drop it into:

C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns\WACI

(You'll have to create this folder because this is where I told weak auras to look for the custom image, however you could also put the image wherever you like, you'll just have to set this weak aura to look for the file in that new location before it will work. I also don't recommend storing your custom images in any of the weak auras folders themselves because your custom images will get deleted when weak auras does an update). and then shazzam, bob's your uncle.



A slight amount of lua was needed to make the display text for the stacks show up properly. All the custom code included in this weakaura is listed below.


local spell = "Vanquisher's Hammer"

local stacks = select(3, WA_GetUnitBuff( "player", spell))

if stacks then

return stacks


return "0"

