Warlock Abilities, + Tailoring Net + Engineering Gravimetric Scrambler Cannon.
(Contains 20+ Abilities)
Custom Venthyr Engineer Tailoring Destruction Warlock.
[Special Mention]
(Chaos Bolt)
Target Name & Class Colour, with Range Check
Shows when (Your)Chaos Bolt is out of range of target in red.
Shows name of Target Above Chaos Bolt (helps for tab targeting)
Doesn't show if the target isn't attackable
Doesn't show if you have no target.
The timer set is for 0.8 seconds to give you a general attempt to fake cast, you have in that time to cancel to optimize time lost.
(Shadowburn) -
Shows an Icon with a 5 second timer, displaying time left to Restore 1 SS and Refund 1 Charge.
Shows Charges in bottom right corner
(Succubus Pet Abilities Only)
Shows a Icon when pet abilities are Active in Green.
Shows Succubus Whiplash time remaining regardless of having a main target
Shows Seduction time remaining regardless of having a main target
(Frostweave Net Time Left on Target)
Shows time remaining on Affected main Target, and plays a Audio Que (Rocket)
*Set to display only 10 abilities at once if they're active (Dynamic Group), so the picture doesn't show all the abilities used.
All WA's Tested and Working with low load and minimal to no lua errors.