


Aura that can be used as a reminder for some actions by timer or specific fight event supported by MRT (Method Raid Tools, previously ExRT)

Be sure to add into timers that should be shown with alert additional argument wa:versa_alert (example: {time:00:07,wa:versa_alert}) where versa_alert prefix also can be used with numeric argument that indicates after which seconds of timer time remaining alert should be shown: versa_alert_X where as X can be 20, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 or 0 values (example: {time:00:12,wa:versa_alert_3} - this timer will activate the alert 3 seconds before expiration)

You can also turn on personal alerts in WA user settings tab - then alerts will be shown only if your character name is presented in timer text.

Example note (test with /rt note starttimer 0):

{time:00:07,wa:versa_alert_0} INSTANT ALERT - Shown after timer done for fixed additional time

{time:00:12,wa:versa_alert_3} Hello World, |cfffe7b09Версалидор|r {spell:31821}

{time:00:14,wa:versa_alert_10} Перелет - |cff00fe97Оксик|r {spell:115310}, |cfff38bb9Аняхолишок|r {spell:316958}

{time:00:17,wa:versa_alert} DEBUG {Охотник на демонов} - Shown after default time threshold