Shows how many percentage points are still needed before you can move on to the next area. The goal is to reach 100% before you enter the fight against the final boss.
Listed below is an example. All enemies on the main path must be killed after the respective boss.
S4 BETA VERSION: let me know if you run in any issues!
% based on Mythic Dungeon Tools v.
[GD] Grimrail Depot @Boss 1 = 15.7%
[ID] Iron Docks @Boss 1 = 8.2%, @Boss 2 = 57.5%
[MW] Operation: Mechagon - Workshop @Boss 2 = 30.0%, @Boss 3 = 65.6%
[GMBT] Tazavesh: So'leah's Gambit @Boss 1 = 50.9%
[GD] Grimrail Depot @Boss 1 = 13.0%
[ID] Iron Docks @Boss 1 = 10.5%, @Boss 2 = 58.8%
[MW] Operation: Mechagon - Workshop @Boss 2 = 27.5%, @Boss 3 = 65.0%
[GMBT] Tazavesh: So'leah's Gambit @Boss 1 = 45.7%
[LK] Lower Karazhan with advanced settings
[UK] Upper Karazhan with advanced settings
[MJ] Operation: Mechagon - Junkyard with advanced settings
[STRT] Tazavesh: Streets of Wonder with advanced settings
The WA automatically informs the group of the remaining percentage once the respective boss has been killed.
There are custom optione available regarding the enemies you want to be included in your percentage of the individual run.
With the advanced settings you can set up your own route. This is especially helpfull for tanks or 5 man groups for dungeons like "De Other Side", "Theater of Pain" and "Tazavesh: Streets of Wonder"
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