Warlock Visual Que's #ImpUi

Warlock Visual Que's #ImpUi


Top Titan bar (Addon) Recommended for this WA

I play at 1920x1080, with my UI Scale at 0.90. So if your monitor is bigger you need to adjust the sizing.


Custom Spell In Range and Ready for Demonic Circle: Teleport x2

Displayed Top Under Titan Bar and Middle Right Extra Action Bars.

Custom Model, Spell Activation for Nether Ward (PVP Talent)

Displayed Bottom Middle, in the background behind the ability icons.


(Extra Content)

Tip: Make a Macro, and call it "M-" then copy past the following


/use [mod:alt]Demonic Circle;[nomod:alt]Demonic Circle: Teleport

(Now when you want to cast Demonic Circle, hold ALT and use MOUSE WHEEL DOWN

When you want to use Demonic Circle: Teleport, use MOUSE WHEEL DOWN)


If you play Human MasterRace like me, then here's another useful macro.

showtooltip Will to Survive(Racial)

/cast Will to Survive(Racial)

/cast Demonic Circle: Teleport


Heres the Same WA Group Without Netherward - https://wago.io/ySTF86udp


All WA's Tested and Working with low load and minimal to no lua errors.