WeakAura based on QE Dynamic Cursor.
The WeakAura was written in a german client. You may have to change the spell names to your language when using the WeakAura. In order to do so: Go into WeakAuras Settings /wa and select each aura. In the "Triggers" Tab you can see the german spell names. Change them to your desire and hit "OK".
Keeps track of the following Events and marks them glowing next to your cursor:
- Impending Victory: Activates when off cooldown and your health is below 60%
- Schildblock: Activates when buff is missing or a charge is available to use
- Ignore Pain: Activates when buff is missing, less than 6 seconds remain on the cooldown or the buffs ignored damage is below 80k
- Shield Charge: Activates when off cooldown
- Schildslam: Activates when off cooldown
- Thunder Clap: Activates when off cooldown
- Revenge: Activates when buff Revenge! is active
- Execute: Activates when your targets health is below 20%
Tips & Tricks:
- To change the order of the icons next to your cursor simply move the auras around: Go into WeakAura settings via /wa then click the arrow icons to change the order.
- To remove an aura go into WeakAura settings via /wa then navigate to the aura you want to remove. Select "Loading" Tab and check the checkbox "never"
- To adjust the value of "Impending Victory" go into WeakAura settings via /wa then navigate to the aura. Select "Triggers" Tab and open the second trigger. Scroll down to health point (%) and change the number to your desire.
- To adjust the value of "Ignore Pain" go into WeakAura settings via /wa then navigate to the aura. Select "Triggers" Tab and open the third trigger. Scroll down to tooltip value and change the number to your desire.