Whisper enchanting materials

Whisper enchanting materials


Note! This will not be updated for wotlk unless there is a demand for it. The ingame enchanting spellbook should replace this.

Returns the mats of any enchanting recipe from whispers starting with "!".

This also filters out the output such that you don't have to see the spam, that is, any message starting with "->" is filtered

You don't have to have enchanting to use this WeakAura



-> [Enchant Weapon - Mongoose]


-> [Enchant Chest - Exceptional Stats]
-> [Enchant Chest - Major Resilience]
-> [Enchant Chest - Exceptional Mana]
-> [Enchant Chest - Major Spirit]
-> [Enchant Chest - Exceptional Health]
-> [Enchant Chest - Restore Mana Prime]
-> [Enchant Chest - Greater Stats]


-> [Enchant Gloves - Riding Skill]
-> [Enchant Boots - Boar's Speed]
-> [Enchant Boots - Cat's Swiftness]
-> [Enchant Boots - Minor Speed]