Wizie - Glacial Spike Flurry Tracker

Wizie - Glacial Spike Flurry Tracker


Simple WA to use with Glacial Spike.

Shows Icicle stacks at the bottom.

Shows you flurry procs as regular texture if you have it and should cast (at 2 icicles or less, or with GS ready), going red if you should save it for GS (3 icicles or above), and fades if you don't have enough time to cast it before flurry runs out. Also has a small timer with remaining time until it runs out.

Shows Glacial Spike icon if available to cast and makes it glow if you have Brain Freeze proc available with enough time left to cast.

Set by default to 2.8 seconds as the "no time to cast" limit. You should change this if you want it longer or shorter, depending on your haste and reaction time.

Go to Group -> Conditions, and then change Condition 2 and 3 remaining duration to whatever you want.

BF Remaining (text)

Brain Freeze (texture)

Icicle 1-2 (text)

Glacial Spike Ready (icon)