Sounds from weakauras abilities might be a bit annoying, but you can switch those off(AMS/Frenzy,IBF,few more i think)
My 2Cents [Devoid -> conception of death knight being a gear dependent tank,
active healing using skills]:
**The Health bar is kind of my making, depending on percentages healed by abilities. [-5% for reaction time + passive healing]
Practice get used to it this is just theoretical. Take it easy don’t overheal.
1 Nothing on GREEN
2 Never VB+heal Above 70% Burning orange
3 Never DP Above 55% Brown
4 35% Save POT +HS
Amount Healed:
Crucial to know: You get 0% healing from DS with no diseases up. [Glyph of Pestilence]
DS -> (1hit DS->15%HP // VB+DS->25%) -> With one disease only 7.5%, 50%less. -> [10% increase]
TAP -> (1x TAP 22% // VB+T 34%) ->[12% increase]
DP -> (1x 40% // VB+DP 62%) -> Prepare pet if certain big damage is coming-> [ 22% increase]
HP POT ON SLOW HITTING BOSSES-> ARMOR on fast / Or Prepot armor +HP pot after 2min.
[HP doesn't matter EHP matters more to smoothen the time of runes, and You are healed on %HP not total, numbers matter only in relation to boss dmg]
My gearing phylosophy ["Dancing Weapon"]:
[High expertise -> you dont lose GCD, 1.3sec AVG] Exp>Stam (wotlk classic meta)
[High EHP -> Stamina [Flat] over Armor [Diminish]] Stam>Armor.
Never below 20 RPower [use HoF]
Slow down on using Blood Runes, wait for a juicy RT
Death Coil only on 90+ RPower [medium dmg low threat ability]//Spam RS's
If you are losing threat, dont panic, DS->Death runes for 2x IT's. Always use Death Runes for IT's. Also you can use BTap + IT on start usually very good to solidify threat on start, Some people use as opener one rotation + ERW to get another layer of threat.
Max uptime of Blade Barrier, some people use 2x Bloodboil before boss pull to have initial attack soften by 5%. Another start might just be to D&D on boss pull since the ability generates high threat.
My preference: Im lazy I dont use Bloodstrike only Bloodboil.
Chilling inbetween low health and pull with Death Strikes, RS's & Pestilences.