WOTLK Swingtimer cast weaving indicator

WOTLK Swingtimer cast weaving indicator


Swing timer cast weaving indicator

Package features:

  • Main hand/Off hand swing timer
  • Main hand/Off hand Synch/Stagger indicator
  • Spells weaving indicator (Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Lava Burst, Hex, Healing Weave, Lesser Healing Weave, CHaine Heal)
  • Swing Timer clipping indicator
  • Global cooldown indicator
  • SwingTimerAPI and WeavingAPI

The Core Swing Timer trigger have been removed from Weakaura in WOTLK:

Classic communities expect this information to be 100% correct for their gameplay, but game API does not give this information, it has to be calculated from various events.
There are swing timer addons actively developped, but we don't have developpers willing to maintain this trigger.
So, Swing Timer trigger will be remove for Wrath.
Source: Official Weakaura Discord

This package use the SwingTimerAPI aura to give an overview of the Swing Timer state based on various events. Like explain there is no relevant WOW API to have a real state of the Swing Timer so take in mind it can some time not be 100% accurate like all Swing Timer addons implementation!

Main hand and Off hand Swing with Synch/Stagger indicator

This Weakaura indicate the Main hand and Off hand swing state:

  • Main hand (MH) it's represented by a bar and a white tick.
  • Off hand (OH) it's represented by a white tick.
  • Middle of the bar it's representig by the static white tick. If you OH is after this tick it can be reseted to middle swing time with the synch/stagger macro.

MH and OH indicators

To properly Synched or Staggered your MH and OH the OH tick is colored base on Synch/Stagger status.

  • Red when not Synched and not Staggered
  • Yellow when Staggered
  • Green when Synched

Not Synched and Not Staggered:

Staggered OH leading:

Staggered MH leading:


Why Synch/Stagger?

Enhancement Shaman can increase there Flurry uptime by consuming only one charge by MH and OH swing. For that the two swings need to land into a window of 0.5 seconds of each other as a Flurry charge can only be consume once every 0.5 seconds.

This technique is known as Sync or Stagger:

  • Sync meen that the MH swing land at the exact same time than the OH swing.
  • Stagger meen that the MH swing and OH swing land in a window of 0.5 seconds from each other.

Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning weaving

The Maelstrom Weapon (MW) buff have a hidden flag that prevent the reset of the weapon swing that normally occur after a succesfull cast.
Enhancement Shaman can use this hidden flag to cast LB or CL between MH and OH swing without reseting there swing's even if they don't have the full five stacks to make this spell instant cast. It's working with at least one stack of MW.

This technique is known as LB weaving or CL weaving.

This weakaura add two ticks to the main swing bar that represent the upper limit when LB or CL spell must begin to be casted to not clip the swing.

To properly weave you need to start casting LB or CL when the MH and OH tick are placed before the LB tick (for LB cast) or CL tick (for CL cast).

Spells cast range zone:

In this picture MH/OH are at the correct position to safely cast LB or CL:

Casting indicator

When you start casting LB or CL the corresponding tick will start to move to the end of the bar. The tick will be flashing in red if at least one of your weapon swing will be clipped. In this case you need to stop your cast to prevent that.

Succesful weaving:

Cast will clip a swing:

If it's to fast for you to see this red casting indicator no worries. If by mistake you miss your weaving and clip, the swing bar will flash in red to late you know that you need to practice more!

Global Cooldown indicator

This weakaura have a Global Cooldown (GCD) indicator that display a grey overlay to indicate the end of the GCD on the main swing timer bar.

This overlay allow to know if your GCD is ending during the weaving window or after.

In this picture the GCD is going to end after the weaving window. It's not safe to weave a spell.

In this picture the GCD is ending during the weaving window. You can safely cast your weaving spell

Custom Options

This package has mutiple custom options that can be toggle on/off by checking/unchecking the checkboxes in the SwingTimer group Customs option tab:

  • Show Lightning Bolt tick, Show Chain Lightning tik, Show Lava Burst tick, Show Hex tick, Show Healing Weave tick, Show Lesser Healing Wave tick and Show Chain Heal tick allow to choose the spells that you whant to display as tick indicator on the Swing bar. By default only Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning are display.
  • Show Spells icon alow to display the icon of the spell on the top of weaving tick bar.
  • Tutorial options is a mode that add some informations to better understand all the indicators.

SwingTimerAPI and WeavingAPI

This package includes two Auras that fire custom events use to manage the swing progress bar and tick state. This events can be use in any other aura to add more interaction or build you hown implementation of the swing and weaving.


SwingTimerAPI documentation



Fired when ganing new Maelstrom stack or starting to cast LB/CL.




number - the weapon swing. Take the faster weapon between mainhand and offhand


number - cast time of the spell


number - calculated end of the cast relative to GetTime()


number - the id of the spell


string - the name of the spell


boolean - True if your are starting to cast LB or CL. False otherwise


Fired at a start of a spell cast if a weapon swing will be clipped.




string - the hand that will be clipped ("mainhand" or "offhand")


number - cast time of the spell


number - the id of the spell