Wrath Mob Lexicon

Wrath Mob Lexicon


Adds Dungeon and Raid mob abilities into the tooltip, with the option to see the full ability description by holding Ctrl. The data used for this comes from wowhead (and from Ulduar onwards uses independent research based on wowwiki articles and PTR logs/practice) and thus is only as accurate as the data included there.


All P1 Dungeons

All P1 Raids


Not Done:

Trial of the Champion

The Forge of Souls

Pit of Saron

Halls of Reflection

All P3 onwards raids

If spell IDs vary between normal and heroic for the same spell, the heroic spell ID is always used unless there is a mechanical difference between the spells (only applies to a handful of mobs). This mean damage values in the tooltip are inflated for normal dungeons and 10 man raids.

Spells exclusive to heroic are prefixed with (H) and spells exclusive to normal are prefixed as (N). Hard mode spells use (HM), 25 man exclusive spells use (25).

There is a massive amount of missing data in wowhead, for example mobs (and even bosses) not being listed in the dungeon at all. I've ran through the dungeons to try to find what was missing, but I've likely missed some. I also am not able to verify any of the tooltips in raids currently. I will be looking to fix these but feel free to comment the name of a mob if you've seen I've missed it or it has incorrect abilities listed.

There are also some questionable abilities lists on wowhead, I've compensated for it where I know enough but it is very likely there are mistakes remaining. For example, UK's Prince Keleseth does not list Ice Block as one of his abilities nor his ability to summon skeletons. This might be because the abilities come from the environment and not the boss itself, but those are the sort of things that may be missed.

In raids I've added some custom text as well for relevant info, e.g. KT summoning ads in last phase and them being immune to shackle. From Ulduar onwards the amount of boss ability information is enriched significantly, but I've deliberately avoided giving opinions (e.g. "use X strategy to deal with Y mechanic" - it should instead be giving you the mechanics so you can understand/create your own strategies)

Lastly, a big shout out to the previous author of this weakaura from TBC, I've merely taken it and added all the Wrath mob information, the original code is not mine.