Wrath Raid CD Tracker

Wrath Raid CD Tracker


All credit goes to Xelectra -> https://wago.io/p/Xelectra; For their Raid CD Tracker, this is modified to seperate certain CD's into more manageable groups. Xelectra's Weakaura can be found here : https://wago.io/dJkakTfTu

Group layout ->

Offensive :Unholy Frenzy, Power Infusion, Bloodlust

Defensive :Tranquility, Divine Hymn, Lay on Hands, Pain Suppression, Guardian Spirit, Hand of Protection, Divine Sacrifice, Hand of Sacrifice

Threat :Hand of Salvation, Tricks of the Trade, Misdirection

Mana :Innervate, Hymn of Hope, Mana Tide Totem

Combat Res : Rebirth, Reincarnation, Soulstone

Utility : Shattering Throw, Aura Mastery