Wrath Ret Mod v1.2

Wrath Ret Mod v1.2


Ret rotation helper for Wrath, showing the typical Left to Right FiFo priority rotation. Rotation will change situationally, and should only be used as a rough guideline.


Seal of Command, Seal of Vengeance - large, obtrusive warning when either seal is NOT active, faded to give 2-min warning, opaque when missing

Avenging Wrath: Separate Active and Heroism/Bloodlust glow tracking

Hand of Reckoning: Glow while in-range and out-of-combat, for solo-range pulling

Divine Plea: Glow while under 75% Mana

Sacred Shield: Glow while under 60% Health (health % can be adjusted)

Holy Wrath: Glow while primary target is Undead or Demon (aura likely still broken - work in progress)

Flash of Light: Glow while under AoW proc

Divine Protection and Divine Shield: Tracking watches Forbearance and desaturates when unavailable

Hammer of Wrath: Glow while usable

Judgement: Basic CD

Crusader Strike: Basic CD

Divine Storm: Glow when available (will be top prio come T10 2pc)

Consecration: Basic CD

Exorcism: Glow while under AoW proc

Engineering Slots - Tracking for Glove, Belt, Boot and Cloak tinkers (untested functionality)

Bomb and Potion tracking - For Saronite Bombs (CD should trigger if Cobalt or other bombs used), and Offensive or Health/Mana pot tracking (basic potion CD tracking, any potion can be used)

Further testing and updates to come as beta progresses and launch arrives.