Ret rotation helper for Wrath, showing the typical Left to Right FiFo priority rotation. Rotation will change situationally, and should only be used as a rough guideline.
Seal of Command, Seal of Vengeance - large, obtrusive warning when either seal is NOT active, faded to give 2-min warning, opaque when missing
Avenging Wrath: Separate Active and Heroism/Bloodlust glow tracking
Hand of Reckoning: Glow while in-range and out-of-combat, for solo-range pulling
Divine Plea: Glow while under 75% Mana
Sacred Shield: Glow while under 60% Health (health % can be adjusted)
Holy Wrath: Glow while primary target is Undead or Demon (aura likely still broken - work in progress)
Flash of Light: Glow while under AoW proc
Divine Protection and Divine Shield: Tracking watches Forbearance and desaturates when unavailable
Hammer of Wrath: Glow while usable
Judgement: Basic CD
Crusader Strike: Basic CD
Divine Storm: Glow when available (will be top prio come T10 2pc)
Consecration: Basic CD
Exorcism: Glow while under AoW proc
Engineering Slots - Tracking for Glove, Belt, Boot and Cloak tinkers (untested functionality)
Bomb and Potion tracking - For Saronite Bombs (CD should trigger if Cobalt or other bombs used), and Offensive or Health/Mana pot tracking (basic potion CD tracking, any potion can be used)
Further testing and updates to come as beta progresses and launch arrives.