WunderUI  // 7.2.5 WW UI

WunderUI // 7.2.5 WW UI


This is my personal WW UI which is based on @Onean WAs.

I added a Serenity timer and Emperor's Capacity stack tracker.

This is a collection of 56 auras:

GCD (icon)

WW Combo (icon)

WW Combo ooc (icon)

Hit Combo Counter (icon)

FoF (icon)

FoF NA (icon)

FoF CD (icon)

SotW (icon)

SotW NA (icon)

SotW CD (icon)

RSK CD (icon)

WDP (icon)

WDP CD (icon)

RSK (icon)

RSK NA (icon)

CW (icon)

CW CD (icon)

CB (icon)

CB CD (icon)

FSK (icon)

FSK CD (icon)

ToD (icon)

ToD CD (icon)

SEF (icon)

SEF CD 1s (icon)

SEF CD 0s (icon)

Serenity (icon)

Serenity CD (icon)

EE (icon)

EE CD (icon)

EC (icon)

EC full (icon)

ToK (icon)

ToK CD (icon)

RJW (icon)

RJW NA (icon)

RJW CD (icon)

Xuen (icon)

Xuen CD (icon)

MotC (icon)

MotC NA (icon)

monk Serenity BG (aurabar)

monk Energy BG (aurabar)

monk CP 1 (aurabar)

monk CP 111 (aurabar)

monk CP 112 (aurabar)

monk CP 113 (aurabar)

monk CP 114 (aurabar)

monk CP 115 (aurabar)

monk CP 2 (aurabar)

monk CP 3 (aurabar)

monk CP 4 (aurabar)

monk CP 5 (aurabar)

monk CP BG (aurabar)

monk Energy (aurabar)

monk Serenity (aurabar)