Based off of Kupton's WAs ( ), very simplified.
The large center icon tracks your last ability used. It turns red if you use the same ability twice in a row, and blue if the ability is parried. The number in the bottom right of the large center icon shows your Hit Combo stacks if that talent is chosen. The large number on the top center above the icons shows Mark of the Crane stacks when it's above two. The smaller number to the right is Whirling Dragon Punch's cooldown if the talent it selected. WDP will show in the same slot as Rising Sun Kick as long as it is available to cast.
This is a collection of 34 auras:
GCD (icon)
WW Combo (icon)
WW Combo ooc (icon)
Hit Combo Counter (icon)
FoF (icon)
FoF NA (icon)
FoF CD (icon)
SotW (icon)
SotW NA (icon)
SotW CD (icon)
RSK CD (icon)
WDP (icon)
WDP CD (icon)
RSK (icon)
RSK NA (icon)
CW (icon)
CW CD (icon)
CB (icon)
CB CD (icon)
FSK (icon)
FSK CD (icon)
ToD (icon)
ToD CD (icon)
SEF (icon)
SEF CD 1s (icon)
SEF CD 0s (icon)
Serenity (icon)
Serenity CD (icon)
EE (icon)
EE CD (icon)
ToK (icon)
ToK CD (icon)
RJW (icon)
RJW NA (icon)
RJW CD (icon)
Xuen (icon)
Xuen CD (icon)
MotC (icon)