Personal Resource Display weak aura UI for WW monks
This is meant to replace the usage of the default blizzard PRD.
Why PRD? As a melee, I find it useful to look at my feet so I don't die to standing in stuff. A PRD based UI lets me more easily view important rotational buttons while being aware of my positioning.
I've included things that I find useful to track for WW monks. This is my personal WA group, so don't expect too many edits.
Requires PRD to be enabled(search Personal Resource Display in the settings) and for the default PRD to be set hidden
/run SetCVar("nameplateSelfAlpha",0)
Optionally, to show PRD always instead of just in combat
/run SetCVar("NameplatePersonalShowAlways",1)
To get the exact look shown above, I have installed the addon Masque with the skin Masque: Raeli [Raeli - Square Inset]. Optionally instead, you can add borders + zoom. However, due to the dynamic nature of the PRD, this may lead to pixel imperfections. see this for more info. Potential fix is to do this, but I can't be bothered.
(the solution above probably will change the existing look of your entire UI, but fix this issue)