Xanarrious Battle Hud | Monk | BrewMaster | WindWalker

Xanarrious Battle Hud | Monk | BrewMaster | WindWalker


Monk UI - BrewMaster | Windwalker

Required but not necessary:

Masque Addons

- https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/masque

- For Circle Icon profile

MaxDPS Addons and MaxDPS WA

- https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/maxdps-rotation-helper

- https://wago.io/aP7Sr4WhN

Acknowledge to Rizzxd the creator of the awesome stagger bar

- https://wago.io/rJ3GBYam7

Xanarrious Battle HUD || MONK || Brewmaster || WindWalker (Group)

Energy Bar (Progress Bar)

Stagger (Progress Bar)

IronSkinBrew Bar (Progress Bar)

IronSkin Brew (Icon)

Expel Harm Icon (Icon)

Paralysis (Icon)

Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox (Icon)

Spear Hand (Icon)

Leg Sweep (Icon)

Ring Of Peace (Icon)

Summon Black Ox Statue (Icon)

Tiger's Lust (Icon)

Tiger's Lust Buff (Progress Bar)

Fortifying Brew (Icon)

Fortifying Brew Low Health (Icon)

Fortifying Brew Buff (Progress Bar)

Black Ox Brew (Icon)

Dampen Harm (Icon)

Dampen Harm Low Health (Icon)

Dampen Harm Buff (Progress Bar)

Healing Elixir (Icon)

Zen Meditation (Icon)

Zen Meditation Buff (Progress Bar)

Chi Torpedo (Icon)

Fying Serpent Kick (Icon)

Chi Torpedo Buff (Progress Bar)

Roll (Icon)

Guard (Icon)

Guard Buff (Progress Bar)

MaxDps Spell Windwalker (Icon)

Energizing Elixir (Icon)

Fist of the White Tiger (Icon)

Touch of Death (Icon)

Invoke Xuen, The White Tiger (Icon)

Rushing Jade Wind (Icon)

Rushing Jade Wind Buff (Progress Bar)

Tiger Palm (Icon)

Hit Combo Stack (Icon)

Storm, Earth and Fire (Icon)

Eye of the Tiger Debuff (Icon)

Chi Burst (Icon)

Chi Wave (Icon)

Touch of Karma (Icon)

Touch of Karma Buff (Progress Bar)

Diffuse Magic (Icon)

Diffuse Magic Buff (Progress Bar)

Inner Strength Buff Stack (Icon)

Ch1 1 BG (Texture)

Chi 2 BG (Texture)

Chi 3 BG (Texture)

Chi 4 BG (Texture)

Chi 5 BG (Texture)

Chi 1 (Texture)

Chi 2 (Texture)

Chi 3 (Texture)

Chi 4 (Texture)

Chi 5 (Texture)

Storm, Earth and Fire + Serenity Buff (Progress Bar)

BrewMaster Background Left (Icon)

WindWalker Background Left (Icon)

Fists of Fury (Icon)

BrewMaster Background Right (Icon)

Windwalker Background Right (Icon)