Xaph's Monk WeakAura Package

Xaph's Monk WeakAura Package


NOTE: This may not receive further updates for a while. I have been 99% focused on my priest, and not playing alts as much as I thought I would, so my WA's for other classes aren't getting as much love. If you have changes to suggest, please comment and I may still add them when I have time, but I won't be pushing any changes on my own.

Includes tracking for all cooldowns and important buffs for all three monk specs, updated for 10.0 Prepatch/Dragonflight. I recommend using the addon OmniCC alongside this in order to get the intended appearance for cooldown/duration text. I also use the addons "Masque" and "Masque: Raeli" with the "Raeli - Square Inset" reskin for WeakAuras.

Please note that the "Major Cooldowns" subgroups include a trinket cooldown/duration tracker. They all use Shadowed Orb of Torment as a placeholder, but you can easily edit the Triggers and Load conditions to work with any trinket.

If you come across anything that you think is missing or not working right, or if you have any other changes to suggest, please feel free to leave a comment or DM me at Xaph#1234 (Discord).