Xemenes - Classic Warrior

Xemenes - Classic Warrior


This classic warrior weakaura suite tracks and displays the following;

Rage Bar: This will turn a brighter red at or above 80 rage.

Weapon Swing: Shows a weapon swing timer, when a two-handed weapon or shield are equipped will show as a single large swing timer, when dual wielding will show a two smaller separate swing timer for each weapon.

Sunder Armor: Shows the current number of Sunder Armor stacks on the target, will glow when stacks are about to drop off (<5 seconds remaining) and desaturate when no stacks are present.

Hamstring: Indicates the presence of Hamstring on the target, will glow when the de-buff is about to drop off (<5 seconds remaining) and desaturate when no de-buff is present.

Rend: Indicates the presence of Rend on the target, will glow when the de-buff is about to drop off (<5 seconds remaining) and desaturate when no de-buff is present. This will only indicate rend applied to the target by you.

Overpower: Indicates the availability of Overpower, will glow when your target dodges a swing or ability indicating overpower can be used, and desaturate whilst on cooldown. Note the glow indication for a proc will trigger in all stances.

Whirlwind: Indicates the availability of Whirlwind, desaturating whilst on cooldown.

Mortal Strike: Indicates the availability of Mortal Strike, desaturating whilst on cooldown. This aura shows by default when neither Bloodthirst or Shield Slam is known.

Bloodthirst: Indicates the availability of Bloodthirst, desaturating whilst on cooldown. This aura will replace the Mortal Strike aura when Bloodthirst is known.

Shield Slam: Indicates the availability of Shield Slam, desaturating whilst on cooldown. This aura will replace the Mortal Strike aura when Shield Slam is known.

Queued Strike: Indicates if an ability is queued to occur on your next auto-attack, it will display heroic strike or cleave when an ability is queued, and desaturate and display auto-attack when no ability is queued.

Shield Block: Indicates the status and availability of Shield Slam, the aura will glow when the ability is activated and display the number of block charges remaining, and desaturating whilst on cooldown.

Sweeping Strikes: Indicates the status and availability of Sweeping Strikes, the aura will glow when the ability is activated and display the number of sweeping charges remaining, and desaturating whilst on cooldown.

Recklessness: Indicates the availability of Recklessness, desaturating whilst on cooldown.

Blood Fury: Indicates the availability of Blood Fury, desaturating whilst on cooldown.

Charge: Indicates the availability of Charge, desaturating whilst on cooldown. This aura will only display out of combat and is replaced by Intercept in combat.

Intercept: Indicates the availability of Intercept, desaturating whilst on cooldown. This aura will only display in combat and is replaced by Charge out of combat.

Demoralizing Shout: Indicates the presence of Demoralizing Shout on the target, will glow when the de-buff is about to drop off (<5 seconds remaining) and desaturate when no de-buff is present.

Revenge: Indicates the availability of Revenge, will glow when you dodge, parry or block a swing or ability indicating Revenge can be used, and desaturate whilst on cooldown. Note the glow indication for a proc will trigger in all stances.

Thunder Clap: Indicates the presence of Thunder Clap on the target, will glow when the de-buff is about to drop off (<5 seconds remaining) and desaturate when no de-buff is present.

Execute: Indicates the availability of Execute, this will glow when your target is below 20% health and you have 15 rage or more, desaturating whilst parameters are not met.

Battle Shout: Indicates the presence of Battle Shout on yourself, will glow when the buff is about to drop off (<10 seconds remaining) and desaturate when no buff is present. This will activate when any battle shout buff is present on you.

Retaliation: Indicates the availability of Retaliation, glowing whilst active, desaturating whilst on cooldown. This aura will only display whilst you have no shield equipped and is replaced by Shield Block when you equip a shield.

Shield Block: Indicates the availability of Retaliation, glowing whilst active, desaturating whilst on cooldown. This aura will only display whilst you have a shield equipped and is replaced by Retaliation when you have no shield equipped.

Healthstone: Shows when you are carrying a Greater Healthstone.

Health Potion: Shows the cooldown and remaining number of Major Health Potions when you are not carrying a healthstone.

Bandage: Shows the cooldown and remaining number of Heavy Runecloth Bandages whilst not carrying a healthstone and either not carrying Major Health potions or during the potion cooldown period.

Stance: Displays the warriors current stance.

**P.S The weak aura suite does not include the unitframes shown in the screenshot