Xkasa Hunter

Xkasa Hunter


If you find any Bugs, please let me know. :)

Way of the Mok'Nathal (icon)

Lacerate (icon)

Bullseye (icon)

Lacerate Des (icon)

Mongoose Fury (icon)

Ascpect of the Eagle AU (icon)

Trueshot AU (icon)

Fury of the Eagle (icon)

Fury of the Eagle CD (icon)

Windburst (icon)

Windburst CD (icon)

Flanking Strike (icon)

Flanking Strike CD (icon)

Sidewinders (icon)

Sidewinders 2 (icon)

Sidewinders CD (icon)

Arcane (icon)

Arcane Glow (icon)

Mongoose Bite 2 (icon)

Mongoose Bite (icon)

Mongoose Bite CD (icon)

Marked Shot (icon)

Marked Shot Des (icon)

Explosive Trap (icon)

Explosive Trap CD (icon)

Vulnerable (icon)

Vulnerable Des (icon)

Aspect of the eagle (icon)

Aspect of the eagle 2 (icon)

Aspect of the eagle CD (icon)

Trueshot (icon)

Trueshot CD (icon)

Disengage (icon)

Disengage CD (icon)

Butchery (icon)

Butchery 2 (icon)

Butchery CD 2 (icon)

Spitting Cobra (icon)

Spitting Cobra CD (icon)

Piercing Shot (icon)

Piercing Shot CD (icon)

Snake Hunter (icon)

Snake Hunter CD (icon)

A Murder Of Crows (icon)

A Murder Of Crows CD (icon)

Harpoon (icon)

Harpoon CD (icon)

Binding Shot (icon)

Binding Shot CD (icon)

Caltrops (icon)

Caltrops 2 (icon)

Caltrops CD (icon)

Misdirection (icon)

Misdirection CD (icon)

Muzzle (icon)

Muzzle CD (icon)

Counter Shot (icon)

Counter Shot CD (icon)

Focus 2 (aurabar)

Focus bg (aurabar)

Focus txt (text)

Mok'Nathal tracker (aurabar)