A TSU aura that will keep track of important buffs (on you), debuffs (on your target) and timed effects that don't create an aura (like Summon Gargoyle or Xuen).
It has a build-in code that will allow to keep the aspect ratio of the rectangular icons even if you use AddonSkinns and a glow option for the most important effects and auras.
Right now it's filled with all the defensive spells and some of the offensives (DK, Monk, DH and Warrior, working on the rest of the classes) plus BFA trinkets and potions (will add more effects probably)
You can easily add the spells or casts you want to track through the OnInit code and choose wich ones should glow (set the value in brackets to true).
UPD: added a 1px border to the auras so you don't have to use AddonSkins or Masque anymore (can be turned off in the OnInit)