YuUI - radial BM HUD

YuUI - radial BM HUD



this is no longer supported, leaving it up for archive


A radial HUD for Beast Mastery Hunter

Screenshots/gifs might not always represent the current state

If you have imported previous versions of this WA, make sure to check the changelog at the very bottom of this description.


  • Step 1: Download custom textures

This UI utilizes some custom textures, donwload them here:


and extract them to [your WoW folder]/_retail_/interface/Custom Textures (create the folder if it doesnt exist)

IMPORTANT: the folder "Custom Textures" must be named exactly like that.

If you did something wrong during this step, green boxes instead of the correct textures will be displayed ingame.

Also note that you need to restart the game if you add new textures.

  • Step 2: Import groups

The UI is made out of 5 groups, you need all of them to achieve the same effect (it looks like a buggy mess without the entire package):

The Beast Cleave counter requires your pet's basic attack (claw, smack, bite) to be on your action bar (player, not pet). See tsurugi's Visual Beast Cleave for more info: https://wago.io/Byos8GKBZ

A /reload might be necessary after importing if not all of the WAs show up.

This is an alternative version of my radial Sphere UI: https://wago.io/ByTbYJ1r7

For an explanation of the individual UI parts, see the screenshots in the Sphere UI, it's essentially the same.

The rotation priority of this entire suite is modeled after the icy-veins BM guide ( https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/beast-mastery-hunter-pve-dps-guide )

Note that the order of the icons shown on the right in the CD tracker do not follow the suggested opener, the priority is mostly for the normal rotation.

Guide & Explanation

The HUD's purpose is to aide you in your rotation, it tries to emphasize visually what to cast (with some gimmicky stuff as well, like the focus bar pulse).

It does follow the priority list rules.

Here's a summary of the most important things in this suite:

First, you have the CD tracker on the left (gif showing older

version where it was on the right side). This is designed after

the "play the icons away" concept, meaning any spells that are

shown there should be cast now. This list follows a priority from

top -> bottom, spells at the top should be cast first, spells at the

bottom last.

Next ist the misc. tracker on the right (gif showing older

version where it was on the left side). It contains multiple

buff/debuff duration trackers like Aspect of the Cheetah,

Posthaste, pet missing/dead, AMoC duration, etc.

The most interesting thing in there is the Beast Cleave counter, it's tsurugi's

"Visual Beast Cleave", it does not only track how many targets are within

Beast Cleave range, but it also puts symbols on the nameplates of those.

It only shows if there is more than 1 target.

The CS/Multi aura suggests when to use Cobra Shot or Multi-Shot.

It follows the priority list, meaning it will only show up when there's

nothing else to do.

Then there's the Frenzy tracker. Multiple WAs are

incorporated into this (see next section "Credit"), it

changes icon/text color depending on your ability to

refresh the buff or not (normal icon color + green text

if you can, dark icon + red text if you can't).

It also shows overlays for BW and AotW if they are up

and safe to use (so the following GCD wont prevent

you from casting Barbed Shot)

This suite also contains a custom target cast icon which is

accompanied by animations to suggest interrupting the cast

Whenever Barbed Shot is on CD, but comes up before Frenzy runs

out on your pet, the Frenzy buff icon will already start glowing, even if

BS is still on CD. This can be confusing sometimes, that's why I included

an extra text which shows the current BS CD in red.

Credit & other WAs weaved into this UI:

The following WeakAuras have been worked into this suite, you do not need to import them seperately.

  • Cela28's Barbed Shot: https://wago.io/H1KdVESEQ

  • this is a compilation of Azortharion's Barbed Shot Helper ( https://wago.io/Vy_cmLXaz ) and Putro's Barbed Shot Tracker Bar ( https://wago.io/rkDHYxqUf )

  • it makes the Frenzy buff tracker glow, which acts as a rotation helper to optimize Barbed Shot use

  • Putro's Barbed Shot Tracker Bar: https://wago.io/rkDHYxqUf

  • this one is also used for the Frenzy buff tracker, it changes the colors of both the Frenzy buff icon and the text on top of it. Icon is displayed either normal (= same as green in the Tracker Bar) or darkened out (= same as red in the Tracker Bar). Text is either green or red.

  • tsurugi's Frenzy uptime tracker: https://wago.io/Bysiv-MVm

  • only the 3 stacks buff tracker is used, it's at the bottom to the right of the Frenzy buff icon. It shows for how much of the current fight your pet had the Frenzy buff with 3 stacks.

  • tsurugi's Visual Beast Cleave: https://wago.io/Byos8GKBZ

  • a bit changed to only display icon if 2 targets or more are within range of Beast Cleave

  • IMPORTANT: you need to have your pet's basic attack (claw, smack, bite) on your action bar (player, not pet).

  • asakawa's NotReadyYet: https://wago.io/NotReadyYet

  • an icon appears for a brief moment, showing that a certain ability you tried to use is not ready yet

  • Putro's Cobra Shot Helper: https://wago.io/H1Fb91dYX

  • adjusted triggers in the "CS/Multi orb" aura to integrate this

Disable cast auras

if you want to disable the cast auras, set these auras to load -> never

Disabling or changing the Frenzy sound

As Frenzy is just about to run out on your pet, a sound is played. If you wish to remove this, do the following:

in here, just uncheck "custom" ("Benutzerdefiniert" in the screenshot).

If you want to change the sound, look for something you like on http://wowhead.com/sounds/ , get the SoundID by clicking on the sound and extracting the ID from the URL, like this:

then just replace the ID in the PlaySound function

Renaming WAs

To be safe, you should not rename any of the WAs in the entire suite. Some of my WAs reference each other by name, if no WA with that name is found (or a wrong one with that same name!), things will not work. Also, it may happen that you already have a WA that has the same name as one of mine. In that case, the newly imported WA will receive a counter at the end of its name, something like "BW Buff 2". This will also break things, so it's best to make sure the WAs are properly named.

Examples of what those references look like:

Square borders around icons

If you are using AddOnSkins, make sure to disable it for WeakAuras, otherwise you might see something like this:

Pulse effect

If you want the key press pulse effect on the focus bar, you will need to create macros for the individual spells and add the following to them:

  • Cobra Shot: /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents('YUUI_PULSE_CS')

  • Kill Command: /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents('YUUI_PULSE_KC')

  • Chimaera Shot: /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents('YUUI_PULSE_CHS')

  • A Murder of Crows: /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents('YUUI_PULSE_AMOC')

  • Barbed Shot: /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents('YUUI_PULSE_BS')

  • Concussive Shot: /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents('YUUI_PULSE_COS')

  • Exhilaration: /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents('YUUI_PULSE_EXH')

  • Turtle: /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents('YUUI_PULSE_TUR')

  • Misdirection: /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents('YUUI_PULSE_MD')

  • Bestial Wrath: /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents('YUUI_PULSE_BW')

  • Aspect of the Wild: /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents('YUUI_PULSE_AOTW')

  • Countershot: /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents('YUUI_PULSE_COUNTER')

  • Multi-Shot: /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents('YUUI_PULSE_MULTI')

  • Dire Beast: /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents('YUUI_PULSE_DB')

A sample macro could look like this:



/cast Kill Command

/cast Claw(Basic Attack)

/cast Bite(Basic Attack)

/cast Smack(Basic Attack)

/run WeakAuras.ScanEvents('YUUI_PULSE_KC')

Why the pet basic attacks, you might ask?

read here: https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/beast-mastery-hunter-pve-dps-macros-addons#sec-1-2

or here: http://www.wowhead.com/news=285912.2/beast-mastery-hunter-review-battle-for-azeroth-community-opinions

You can adjust the opacity of the pulse by going to the "key press pulse" WA and adjusting the alpha value in the color picker.

If you want to disable it completely (by default only auto attacks make a pulse), set the "key press pulse" WA to load -> never

If you encounter any problems and need help, leave a comment or contact me on Discord. You can either add me: Yuuseki#0236 or find me on one of these servers:




  • 07.01.2020 - version 24

  • updated main group + BW and AotW group

  • main group - fixed models that showed the Lich King instead of the proper models

  • BW + AotW group - fixed textures (showed green boxes previously)

  • 29.09. - version 23

  • updated main group

  • updated CS/Multi orb - changed one trigger of Multi-Shot to consider missing BC buff on pet if more than 1 target is in range (was considering focus before, a remnant of the old "focus dump" version)

  • 29.09.

  • updated main group, CD group and misc. group

  • fixed purge orb to not untrigger on pet's GCD

  • any active trinkets are supported now: removed Galecaller's Boon and Lusterous Golden Plumage orbs, replaced with generic trinket 1 & 2 orbs

  • changed triggers in Cobra Shot suggestion, integrated Putro's Cobra Shot Helper

  • added Counter Shot and Binding Shot to misc. group, they appear when the ability is on CD

  • 22.09.

  • updated main group, misc. group and AotW + BW group

  • added purge notification orb to misc. group

  • added asakawa's NotReadyYet to main group

  • switched positions of cast icons (target is at top now, own is at bottom)

  • removed 1 frenzy glow animation (there were 2, felt like it was too much)

  • Beast Cleave counter doesn't show tokens on enemy nameplates anymore. Was buggy on my end, didn't clear tokens properly sometimes, resulting in them being stuck on screen.

  • AotW + BW textures converted to progress textures

  • 16.09.

  • updated main group and CD group

  • CD orbs darkening out effect now considers BS charges, was considering Frenzy buff only previously

  • added animations for Frenzy as it is about to run out

  • 12.09.

  • updated all groups except the BW + AotW group

  • most noteable change in this release is the reworked CS/Multi orb. It was meant as a focus dump reminder previously, now it's purpose is suggesting the use of CS or Multi, meaning it shows whenever you are supposed to use Cobra Shot or Multi-Shot

  • switched places of CD and misc. group, CDs are displayed on the left side now. The purpose behind this is to have CDs and the Frenzy tracker closer to each other, makes it easier to see in peripheral view

  • moved everything wider apart

  • added focus cost and out of range conditions to CD orbs

  • Frenzy icon glow and Frenzy icon darkening now correspond to each other, was contradictory before

  • GCD sweep on focus bar and frenzy icon now both show at all times, in earlier versions only one of the two was displayed, depending on whether the Frenzy icon was covered by the AotW/BW suggestion auras or not

  • CD orbs now darken out if Frenzy on pet is <= 1.5 secs, to make it even clearer that Barbed Shot should be used now

  • 07.09.

  • updated main group

  • fixed an anchoring issue after WA 2.7.6 update

  • 01.09.

  • updated all groups

  • rotation-related update: new BS CD tracker text on the Frenzy buff icon and BS orb in CD tracker group. Frenzy icon glows when BS comes off CD before Frenzy buff drops on pet, if BS has 0 charges it was sometimes a bit awkward and confusing to see the glow, press BS and see nothing happening. This was due to BS still being on CD, which is now clear to see

  • more CD orbs (racials, trinkets, Barbed Shot)

  • fixed Frenzy/BS glow bug in one particular case: when BW is up and BS is about to come up in 2 seconds, the Frenzy buff icon already started glowing even though it was on 0 charges

  • updated potion WA - included new BfA potions

  • minor round icon update, shortened the code for the SetPortraitToTexture() function

  • 26.08.

  • updated main group, misc. group and CD group

  • NEW TEXTURES added! Link in description is updated: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fET3HKlM3UaSryxjQFEO-Nn6qL-QOI2e

  • added more CD and misc. orbs

  • changed CS/Multi suggestion orb, moved from misc. to main group

  • added focus full animations

  • added target cast icon with animations for interrupting

  • moved player cast icon

  • 08.08.

  • updated main group, misc. group and CD group

  • added more triggers for AotW, Multi-Shot and Chimaera Shot to make better suggestions, new GCD sweep on Frenzy icon

  • 07.08.

  • updated main group + misc. group, added BC counter and missing pet orbs

  • added CS/Multi orb to misc group, as a reminder to spend focus when you are near cap