ZenTracker (ZT) Main [Zera DF Update]

ZenTracker (ZT) Main [Zera DF Update]


Updated ZenML's ZenTracker backend for Dragonflight to include Evokers.

*** Requires this Addon: ***

  • LibGroupInspecT [Zera DF Update] (please note this was updated 11/18/2022)


Added Evoker class and both Devastation and Preservation Specs. Cooldowns tracked are: Quell, Time Spiral, Landslide, Zephyr, Deep Breath, Cauterizing Flame, Rescue, Dragonrage, Expunge, Stasis, Time Dilation (resets not working), Rewind (resets not working), and Dream Flight.

Works for SL, DF PrePatch 10.0.0/10.0.2, Dragonflight Beta, and DF Live 10.0.x.

I am only maintaining a single Front End Weak Aura: Zera ZT Interrupt Tracker. That's pretty much the only reason I did this, but the rest of it should work for other old ZT Front End WAs that were bricked in DF by the core ZenTracker not working.

Please note, you(the author) will need to add checkboxes for new Evoker spells to your Front End WAs, i.e. for my Front End Zera Interrupt Tracker bars, I did this:

Custom Options > Click "Enter Author Mode" > Spell Registration > By Spell

Then duplicate the last entry in the list, i.e. Warrior Pummel, and change the Display Name and Option Key to match whatever you are adding.

So for Quell for Evokers, I made the display name "|T4622469:0|t |cFF33937FQuell|r" and the option key "351338"

  • The option key is the spell ID for Quell

  • The display name looks confusing but isn't that weird

    • The "|T4622469:0|t" part is the icon ID for the Quell spell icon ("4622469")

    • The "|cFF33937FQuell|r" part is just a hex code for the color of Evoker health bars ("#33937F" is the color, lead by "cFF"), and the name Quell to display in the list

Click "Enter User Mode" when you're done.

Regarding Performance

5-19-2023 -- the new WA version flags this as potentially performance inhibiting, but I have done several raids and dungeons with/without it and there is no difference. Just keep using it if you want to, the performance impact is negligible and I don't understand why it's being flagged, blerg. Otherwise if you are worried, Omni CD exists but is quite different in its capabilities, so your mileage may vary.
