--> My original Classic Vanilla version of this WA can be found HERE.
This WA makes it possible to automatically switch between Equipment Sets by hovering over, targeting and/or killing NPCs in Naxxramas, the Obsidian Sanctum, the Eye of Eternity, Ulduar, the Trial of the Crusader, Icecrown Citadel and the Ruby Sanctum by utilizing the AddOn ItemRack Classic (see Curseforge/Twitch).
It can also automatically switch talent specializations, either with these gear switches or individually, if so desired.
The WA works with all game client languages.
Specifically, it can equip pre-defined sets of gear…
1. as you enter raid instances
2. as you mouseover or target and kill bosses
3. as you mouseover or target and kill any further NPC that you define under "Custom Switch Options"
The previously available functionality around Adaptive Sets has been removed, since it is not really needed anymore (see my Original WeakAura for reference).
Switching is very useful, as "optimal gear" usually differs greatly between individual Bosses and Trash. Especially for Trash, you can switch out +Hit for far more valuable bonuses. Healers may also benefit from exchanging +Heal/MP5 sets. Perfect equipment switches create an advantage in speed runs and parse-oriented gameplay.
--> Feel free to also check out my entire UI here --> Zippy UI for Classic (Mage/DPS)