- 2
Bizarre levitation of spacecraft when Thermal Power Generator is used
#1 opened by cgruber - 4
CKAN Support
#5 opened by ruifung - 8
Science Laboratory generates no science
#7 opened by the-emerald - 2
Tank base cost doubled
#8 opened by arrowmaster - 12
Missing Textures
#19 opened by brustmopf - 1
FELA as data transmitter must be "deployed" to function
#21 opened by dringdahl - 1
KSPI: Science Laboratory, missing crew HUD
#32 opened by Pakes - 5
RFC2501 tank UF6 and UF4 confusion
#36 opened by superdavekerman - 1
RadialPhasedArray part misses 'BandwidthConverter'
#42 opened by sopindm - 1
CircularRectennaPanel has two MicrowavePowerReceiverDish modules
#43 opened by sopindm - 2
New refrigerator (non-hex one) has no converters
#49 opened by sopindm - 2
Magnetic Confinement Fusion Reactor (Stellarator) - wrong category?
#53 opened by stasikos - 2
Vista Engine broken when used with Near Future Electrical
#54 opened by jswwww - 1
Antimatter collector "collection multiplier" not being applied.
#57 opened by DGerry83 - 1
Maximum thermal power of inline receivers does not scale
#58 opened by DGerry83 - 3
Circular Solar Panels Block Themselves
#55 opened by PhilNorfleet - 1
engines using Module ThermalNozzleController cant use Helium as propellant
#56 opened by AltaicaSaxony - 2
Open gas core fission reactor fuel mode confusion
#59 opened by stasikos - 2
Vista Fusion Engine exhaust not aligned with centerline of engine.
#61 opened by CitizenJoe - 5
IXS Magnetic Confinement Fusion Reactor no longer allowed to fuse Deuterium - Lithium6
#60 opened by NachtRaveVL