Kerbal Space Program
2,280 Mods
KSP Interstellar Extended
1M DownloadsKSP Interstellar Extended aims to continue in providing a realistic road to the stars.
Near Future Solar
809k DownloadsFuturistic solar panels for your spacecraft.
Near Future Electrical
703k DownloadsNuclear reactors, capacitors and large batteries with a stockalike aesthetic
[1.1.3] Astronomer's Visual Pack - BEYOND KERBAL
677k DownloadsAuroras, UHD clouds, sand storms, lightning, HD particle textures, sun flare, high altitude clouds, and much more... All bodies now carry an extremely different mood to them and are very pleasing to explore and look at.
406k DownloadsSCANsat: Real Scanning, Real Science, Warp Speed!
TAC Life Support
347k DownloadsA life support system from Thunder Aerospace Corporation (TAC).
Interstellar Fuel Switch
328k DownloadsInterstellar Fuel Switch is mend for mod makers which want to add resource/mesh/texture switching to their tanks
Fuel Tanks Plus (FTP) by NecroBones/Orvidius
263k DownloadsA variety of additional rocket fuel tanks, mostly larger tanks, with several historically inspired colors and styles.
Far Future Technologies
183k DownloadsOptimistic but generally viable future spacecraft technologies.
USI Kolonization Systems (MKS/OKS)
164k DownloadsOrbital and planetary bases and colonies for KSP!
Lazor System
132k DownloadsLazor System is an advanced targeting and guidance system with a lot of functions bundled in subsystems which can be activated by placing colored lazors on your vessel.
Skillful Weapons and Damage 1.0.5
115k DownloadsSkillful is a combat system for for KSP. Arm your planes/tanks and ships and have some cool battles!
SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited
98.5k DownloadsLow Part-Count Solutions and Modular Parts
Real Solar System REMASTERED
67.8k DownloadsThis mod adds the real sizes, orbits and textures of the solar system
BoatParts R4.65 for KSP 0.90
61.2k DownloadsPly the oceans of Kerbin in style! Build yourself a boat.
KSP Deutsch Patch
42.8k DownloadsKSP translated into german
41.9k Downloadshis addon allows you to add and customize fuel types/quantities in stock, B9, and ProceduralWings!
Solaris Hypernautics
41.5k DownloadsTotal set of parts from nuclear reactors to magnetic cooling to virtual particle technology to KSP!
GN drive
39.5k DownloadsGN drive from Mobile Suit Gundam 00
Grounded - Modular Vehicles
37.4k DownloadsMakes it possible to make cars, trucks, vans as how you want them with modular parts.