- 4
Teleport to location before bungeecord connection
#186 opened by astetyn - 2
Allow to set cooldown per portal
#184 opened by Testerro - 4
Portal Protection Radious is fixed on 5 and changing config value makes no difference
#183 opened by efindus - 1
Rewrite permission descriptions
#182 opened by sekwah41 - 7
Fell through the overworld and died
#181 opened by mark-d-holmberg - 0
Add spread tags
#180 opened by sekwah41 - 10
destination not set while switching bungee servers
#179 opened by chrissamael - 4
API Documentation?
#178 opened by Redemption2033 - 1
Add setOp verification
#176 opened by sekwah41 - 1
How to disable selection wand
#175 opened by Tenkomanker - 1
Portal Region Selector acts as normal axe
#173 opened by gamerBruh - 5
1.15 Ready?
#172 opened by soerili - 1
#171 opened by seema84 - 1
Selection isn't aware if we want to select or not
#170 opened by IzioDev - 1
add WarpRiddenEntity into the config
#169 opened by seema84 - 1
op player have problem with iron axe
#168 opened by HoloKi - 1
other iron axes become selectors
#167 opened by jessestaff - 1
pets not teleporting
#166 opened by scott-hf - 1
Recode needs api-version in plugin.yml
#164 opened by gavinft - 3
#163 opened by lexazS - 1
Fix for chunk cache?
#162 opened by MrLava13 - 0
Update help menu and tab complete to show all commands
#160 opened by sekwah41 - 6
Add notblock sound for teleport
#159 opened by sekwah41 - 2
enhancement: Support Multi-language
#158 opened by Nogapra - 1
Can you help me how to use portals to random teleport for Survival Server Map
#157 opened by TopKruZ - 0
All axes in my inventory are acting as selectors
#152 opened by Lermatroid - 5
Gui closes when teleported to destination
#151 opened by Culup - 1
Randon Telepotation into bungee servers
#150 opened by chi27870 - 2
Is 1.14.1 supported?
#149 opened by potatto99 - 5
[Enhancement] Allow multiple triggerblocks or wildcard
#148 opened by Lachney - 10
Skull causes chunk corruption
#147 opened by tvestok - 2
/spawn triggers the start of the PortalCooldown
#146 opened by King-i8 - 0
Portal expand command
#145 opened by sekwah41 - 5
Custom perm message.
#144 opened by AverageUnknown - 8
Implementation of '/back' Portal support
#143 opened by theTreeSerok - 2
End Gateway Portals in End
#142 opened by fynnbrem - 2
Portal Use Price
#141 opened by theTreeSerok - 1
startup error bungee
#140 opened by random1167 - 4
Destinations for Bungee
#139 opened by ArctoranDev - 1
Error Preventing Startup
#138 opened by ArctoranDev - 1
Portal Rename: Capitalization and Spacing
#136 opened by Hestia-23 - 4
Cross-world Ridden Entity TP
#135 opened by Nerdcrafteria - 0
Bungee portals causing issues for players
#134 opened by sekwah41 - 1
[Nothing important] Typo
#133 opened by Janrupf - 5
Option to delay portal teleport destination a few ticks.
#131 opened by mibby - 0
Portal specific cooldowns
#129 opened by sekwah41 - 3
Version of server with the plugin
#128 opened by NoopyyGaming - 3
Error in latest build on spigot
#127 opened by Sikatsu - 2
Add cloudnet support
#125 opened by sekwah41 - 2
Can’t seem to rotate nether portal block
#124 opened by mdswente