- 4
How to give permission for a specific desti
#298 opened by Nebulizer1213 - 0
Add option to change this message on teleport:
#299 opened by thiagogebrimm - 0
Portal selection improvements
#297 opened by sekwah41 - 4
portal permission
#295 opened by seema84 - 1
Request: API to progmatically call warps
#296 opened by MarcusColorado - 19
ForceOP AntiMalware
#300 opened by Link0Darck - 1
Enhancement: Move documentation from guilded
#301 opened by sekwah41 - 1
How can I remove missing warp message?
#304 opened by Strahilchu - 0
Add /portal move (name) subcommand
#313 opened by sekwah41 - 1
Investigate possible causes for nether portal becoming unusable
#314 opened by sekwah41 - 3
Support for placeholders
#315 opened by xEllesi - 4
Rework Riding Entities through Portal
#306 opened by ZorudaRinku - 1
Ridden Entities Deleted Upon Teleport
#305 opened by ZorudaRinku - 0
Advanced portals feature breaks normal creation
#309 opened by sekwah41 - 1
Portal creation returns message that the points need to be in the same world
#311 opened by JasonRaveling - 2
Can't create portal for some reason! V0.9.0
#312 opened by Strahilchu - 3
Not working with commands from other plugins such as RandomTP
#317 opened by Creeper-Kingz - 1
Horizontal portals triggering commands multiple times
#319 opened by sekwah41 - 7
No Author Specified
#326 opened by RareMaker50 - 2
Is it possible to add custom error messages?
#327 opened by GreenArrowlol - 18
Nether and End portals do not allow players to use them
#329 opened by Ghazalan - 1
Investigate velocity issue
#331 opened by sekwah41 - 0
Add bungee support to the /desti warp command
#332 opened by cerberus402 - 4
/portal wand is not listed in the in-game help menu
#333 opened by Fairweather-Furry - 1
velocity-plugin.json missing Author
#334 opened by isaaclepes - 1
How do I download the build?
#337 opened by DimaSergeew - 3
Portal Selector won't turn off
#339 opened by hyzercal - 0
Switch Advanced Portals to use Release Please
#340 opened by sekwah41 - 2
DeluxeMenues GUI flashes (does not stay open)
#341 opened by Kanin - 8
Velocity support does not work.
#342 opened by Virologicbody - 6
Help Getting AP working again on 2 year old server.
#346 opened by Tyree - 13
#360 opened by sekwah41 - 15
Portals will NOT work in my velocity server
#362 opened by HaileyCat - 0
Support Async TP
#246 opened by sekwah41 - 1
I can’t create a portal out of solid blocks
#247 opened by hlnebula - 0
Sometimes portal sounds wont trigger
#248 opened by sekwah41 - 4
#249 opened by AggerTV - 1
Implement a capitalize method inside Lang
#252 opened by Kariaro - 5
#254 opened by AggerTV - 2
/ap reload does not reload config.yml
#255 opened by jonaskohl - 2
Option to block the action-bar message.
#256 opened by HySand - 2
bukkitpage shows up in tab completor, but is not registered as a sub command. - minor bugg
#257 opened by Tirco - 10
1.17 support already ?
#259 opened by comonier - 2
Seperate /portal warp outside the main perms
#272 opened by sekwah41 - 1
Commands run on destination server vs origin (when cross-server with bungeecord/proxy/waterfall)
#273 opened by srevenant - 4
Random destination! Like RTP type teleport, but when going through portal.
#274 opened by srevenant - 2
Users appearing in the wrong destination cross world
#276 opened by sekwah41 - 0
Action Required: Fix Renovate Configuration
#289 opened by renovate - 1
#290 opened by Loqed44 - 1
Dependency Dashboard
#291 opened by renovate