Client GUI Bridge

Client GUI Bridge

Have you ever wished that your voting plugin wasn't just chat-based, or you could make your trade plugin look better? Or maybe show messages to a single player—anywhere on their screen?


Unfortunately, there is no standard method to do this in bukkit or vanilla, so that's why I wrote my client GUI bridge. The basic idea of the bridge is that the server can send the client a command to, for example, open a customized GUI. Any player can log into a server with this plugin, even those without modded versions. However, if they log onto a server with my plugin WITH the client mod, any plugin can create and send custom GUIs to the client. This plugin presents an API for sending the messages and otherwise moderating the transfer from the server=>client=>server.


For this plugin to work to its fullest extent, you need to install my mod that works with it. You can download it here.


There aren't any commands or permissions in this plugin, because it is mainly an API (it does, however, run as a plugin, to monitor players). I also do not plan to add any commands or permissions in the foreseeable future aside from a test command, because I want other plugins to do everything. This plugin is just an interface (or bridge) that allows other plugins to do cool things. (as of Beta 1.0.8)
CommandDescriptionPermission(s) needed
bridge updateUpdates the plugin (see auto-updating)be an op
bridge aboutGives you random stats, in case you want them for some reason...None
bridge playersLists the players that have the client.Be an op


There are minimal configuration options, and you will probably *never* need to change anything. For reference, see this page.

>>[Tutorial] Getting Started

I will release a tutorial to develop with my plugin once the beta release comes out, but for now, you should just use the javadoc, or look at the getting started tutorial.
<small>todo:get some screenshots; if you want to add some here, PM me or leave something in the comments</small>

To do list:

What I am working on, arranged from highest to lowest priority
  • Releasing a version that the people @ bukkit dev will approve
  • Items & Inventories
  • Dynamic GUIs
  • Documenting functions (with javadoc)
  • Adding cross-version support
