- 2
Kill logging error
#688 opened by forditt - 0
java.lang.NullPointerException Swipe
#686 opened by SunShine05z - 2
java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Method 'org.bukkit.attribute.Attribute[] org.bukkit.attribute.Attribute.values()' must be Methodref constant
#685 opened by mk7luke - 5 org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_21_R3.attribute.CraftAttribute
#684 opened by XeonG - 4
I keep getting NullPointerException's and NotSerializableException's
#683 opened by v1peeer - 5
NotSerializableException on logging ItemStack with UseCooldownComponent [Spigot Issue]
#682 opened by YoungSoulluoS - 1
#681 opened by Xr-xiaorui - 0
SQL Error - Missing Database Block_Index
#679 opened by RobellaMC - 0
FastAsyncWorldEdit always claims a version mismatch
#678 opened by vicr123 - 0
[BUG] Leash not logged
#677 opened by Shepelzz - 0
Core protect doesn't record the block which destroyed by fire.
#676 opened by RF8xRF8 - 0
Skin error for 1.21
#675 opened by JHarris12345 - 0
Villagers struck by lightning are not recorded!
#674 opened by FellowNeighbour - 2
Could not pass event InventoryMoveItemEvent to CoreProtect
#673 opened by RF8xRF8 - 3
coreprotect does not record the killing of villagers
#671 opened by HMY369 - 1
Could not pass event PlayerInteractEvent to CoreProtect v22.4
#670 opened by Foxiel - 3
Spam console CoreProtect v23.0
#669 opened by Nektoo - 1
Could not pass event EntityDeathEvent to CoreProtect v23.2-RC1
#668 opened by LostUmbrella58 - 0
Missing ItemDisplay
#667 opened by nhanledev - 9
1.21.3 Error
#666 opened by NickCloudAT - 0
CoreProtect API can't look up chat
#665 opened by JHarris12345 - 2
Could not pass event InventoryMoveItemEvent to CoreProtect v22.4
#664 opened by mspet23 - 10
Core Inspect on LOWEST priority
#663 opened by JHarris12345 - 5
add pv-addon-discs support
#661 opened by le0nlol - 1
Japanese is unnatural.
#659 opened by shotadft - 2
need better blacklist
#658 opened by Cassy-Lee - 1
"Villager was squished too much" warning
#657 opened by AndreiWasFound - 2
Paper 1.21.1-119 -- Error/Bug
#656 opened by tomasalias - 1
add entityLogContainerTransaction
#655 opened by Stokmenn - 0
org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (near ".": syntax error)
#654 opened by Potothingi - 1
Database error on 23.0 RC1: table co_skull has no column named skin
#653 opened by MoiraPrime - 2
Unable to compile - DatabaseMigration
#651 opened by andrewkm - 0
About villagers to convert zombie villagers
#649 opened by canniand - 1
missing data in wolf and cat death logs
#648 opened by AbigailBrady - 1
Cobwebs placed via the new Weaving effect are not logged
#647 opened by lerokko - 2
glow squid spamming database
#646 opened by mhtvsSFrpHdE - 1
I have set hell not to record, but it still records. The latest version is 23.1 world_nether.yml
#645 opened by xiaofengv233 - 1
Could not pass event EntityDeathEvent to CoreProtect v23.1
#644 opened by Romainof - 8
Custom player head and mob head (from creative menu) generate a warning "Owner is null"
#643 opened by Athar42 - 4
Moving DARK_OAK_WALL_SIGN with fawe not possible
#642 opened by paaulhier - 1
Copper trap door interactions not logging
#641 opened by pdebetta - 3
Generic Items Lookup
#640 opened by MrLiam2614 - 5
Error 1.21
#639 opened by MazzSavoy - 2
SUGGESTION: "Skyblock" mode to save logging space
#638 opened by JHarris12345 - 1
1.21: Data driven paintings
#637 opened by DatArnoGuy - 3
Unable to create native thread
#636 opened by asacavanagh - 5
Error 1.21
#635 opened by VISION6969 - 0
Group actions by players
#632 opened by elli0205 - 5
an error was happened when im trying use coreprotect
#631 opened by 837cyo84o2rcj - 7
Setting branch name in build.gradle or pom.xml does not help.
#630 opened by TrucluByu-mal4ik