- 4
Daily Motd Channel
#1367 opened by orang3i - 2
Linking by discord command
#1366 opened by SoukupXYZ - 1
Auto-Mute Not Removing in Proximity to Others
#1365 opened by yesido9 - 0
Auto-Mute Not Removing in Proximity to Others
#1364 opened by yesido9 - 0
Account linking ' linked account must be in at least one Discord server that the bot is also in' doesnt work as intended.
#1363 opened by NaGeL182 - 1
Alerts threads support
#1362 opened by jarekt - 2
Pet death messages
#1361 opened by kyleawayan - 0
DiscordChatChannelEmojiBehavior name behavior not sanitizing forwarded text & does not match discord's displayed emoji name.
#1360 opened by mibby - 2
Allow console channel to be filtered by user ID
#1359 opened by thewilloftheshadow - 3
Better handling of sensitive config values
#1358 opened by starcraft66 - 2
False-detection of client as Lunar Client
#1356 opened by pseudoforceyt - 1
Crash at ratelimit
#1355 opened by hexlocation - 4
ANSI console colors
#1352 opened by Katrix - 1
Line breaking on Discord causes spam in game.
#1351 opened by andrewkm - 6
DiscordSRV received a permission error response (50013) from Discord.
#1350 opened by andrewkm - 1
Cant use discord srv on my server
#1348 opened by Xplodin - 2
Plugin incompatibility, probably caused by CancellationDetector
#1347 opened by blablubbabc - 1
discord linked command in discord
#1346 opened by Koyorice - 1
/discord linked command
#1345 opened by Koyorice - 1
Option to ignore bots in console channel
#1343 opened by JasonHorkles - 0
Reply pings
#1342 opened by Deeptanil - 8
User mention and channel mention conversion doesn't work.
#1341 opened by kirjorjos - 1
Bungeecord %bungee_total% ping late
#1340 opened by Koyorice - 2
DiscordChatChannelEmojiBehavior 'name' option returns emoji instead of the name.
#1339 opened by mibby - 2
Color codes don’t translate even if you have DiscordChatChannelRolesAllowedToUseColorCodesInChat role
#1337 opened by akdukaan - 1
Disable chat going to discord in some world
#1336 opened by GazorHuman - 2
Certain usernames not processing correctly.
#1335 opened by vintrove - 2
Change Discord Usernames to MC Username (Sync)
#1333 opened by Exophobias - 2
Your microphone is muted in the discord voice chat, even if there is another player next to you in the game
#1331 opened by zentixua - 1
extension for Discord SRV
#1330 opened by RRS-9747 - 1
Messages using webhooks
#1329 opened by Adityaxa59 - 2
Update or replace log4j due to CVE-2021-44228
#1328 opened by soxguy - 4
#1325 opened by WindupYT - 0
Voice Chat Partys
#1319 opened by Racooder - 0
Add/unblock webhooks
#1318 opened by Recontaminated - 1
Embed support for DiscordCannedResponses
#1317 opened by Miv2nir - 1
World with announceadvancements gamerule disabled reports console with an error
#1315 opened by DerpDerpling - 5
Support for version 1.18.x
#1314 opened by mzrtamp - 0
In game players always in muted lobby
#1313 opened by busterbeam - 0
Private talk (call)
#1312 opened by PankKRB - 0
Allow unauthenticated users to be kicked to fallback server
#1311 opened by Supposedly-Sam - 3
Add config flag to allow multi-account verification for one discord user
#1308 opened by Supposedly-Sam - 1
Add some prefix to error messages, so that it'd be clear that they came from DiscordSRV
#1306 opened by oskarkk - 3
Implementing the Discord username placeholder in webhook chat delivery
#1304 opened by fireFerry - 1
Chatty [global] issue
#1301 opened by MegaGraphqwe - 5
Change discord emojis to specified symbol
#1300 opened by Sl0wYx - 1
[1.7.10] Plugin doesn't load, console throws error
#1299 opened by Khazoda - 2
Add Contexts if a Player is in the voice.yml channel/category
#1298 opened by WillyWhitewool - 4
Get voice channel user is in
#1296 opened by TKO-A - 0
Allow custom other message
#1295 opened by VincentX0905