- 4
Per player on/off switch
#550 opened by judelhaye - 1
Suggestion - Link account through Discord (i.e. /discord link via DM)
#552 opened by RalphORama - 3
MC Username Bot Name Sync
#553 opened by KuruKuru3532 - 1
Prevent debug bot token leaks with patterns
#554 opened by burturt - 2
Disable plugin from sending updates
#555 opened by Evansania - 1
[ Add Message to message.yml / Add to the function ]
#556 opened by irsouryo - 2
Error after /discordsrv debug
#557 opened by TheNety - 2
Cannot add new rank to user
#563 opened by bradyrenting - 3
Make more messages translatable
#561 opened by TheNety - 2
Possibility to edit messages after command unlink and linked
#562 opened by TheNety - 5
1.18.0 access denied ("" "/etc/resolv.conf" "read")
#565 opened by FlashLight34 - 1
Error after update
#566 opened by maciejopalinski - 8
Startup Error
#568 opened by Relaxing9 - 2
Voice module moves people from outside of voice category
#570 opened by HerobrainGamer - 12
Channel topic doesn't get updated, even when text is available and under Discord text limit.
#571 opened by Andre601 - 6
DiscordSRV api hook failing when config isn't loaded yet
#572 opened by Ergenta - 5
Exception REST request and weird no error
#573 opened by srnyx - 2
I really need help
#574 opened by Simonk02 - 1
Request: displayname of linked accounts placeholder
#576 opened by r3dmc - 3
Its not downloading everything
#580 opened by AidanFarmer11 - 1
Placeholder variable for just time, no date.
#581 opened by mibby - 5
Request: %date% %time% and adjustable formats
#584 opened by Wolfie713 - 3
DiscordSRV giving error on startup.
#583 opened by ZEBaker98 - 1
/discord bcast does not respect vanilla target selectors (@p @a @e @r)
#585 opened by gvarados1 - 4
Some issues
#586 opened by ChefMC - 3
MC 1.15 Spigot issues
#587 opened by MJRLegends - 1
Request, PlaceholderAPI support in all areas
#591 opened by Wolfie713 - 1
Mention specific user/role when a specific console message is sent
#592 opened by Collin-M - 3
Social Spy
#593 opened by Tina-King - 1
Option to get the raw username
#596 opened by haeiven - 2
Could not pass event PlayerJoinEvent to DiscordSRV v1.18.4
#597 opened by SimmsRyan97 - 4
Plugin DiscordSRV v1.18.4 generated an exception while executing task 100
#598 opened by SimmsRyan97 - 2
Disable channel description updater
#599 opened by fourteevee - 1
Voice module error
#600 opened by LeeGodSRC - 3
Unlink inactive players automatically
#602 opened by joagar21 - 3
Feature: Ignore command and/or disable chat bridge messages
#603 opened by Weasel-Beans - 6
Server Crash - NoClassDefFoundError: github/scarsz/discordsrv/dependencies/jda/core/requests/CloseCode
#604 opened by ProsperCraft - 6
DiscordSRV for Modpack Aternos Servers
#605 opened by jos3s - 3
Acheivements are not displaying in Discord when updating
#606 opened by ProsperCraft - 1
Message CodeGenerated only displays empty String in MC
#608 opened by Andre601 - 2
Ability to specify players that can use the reserializer
#607 opened by burturt - 1
Reconnect after discord connection is interrupted
#609 opened by carlpoole - 3
No message when /discord unlink
#611 opened by TomLewis - 6
Reserializer seems inverted
#610 opened by SeasonalFerret - 1
Automaticly assing role when linked
#612 opened by hax4dazy - 1
Role/Name Enhancment
#613 opened by Relaxing9 - 2
Feature: Disable start/stop messages.
#614 opened by thinkverse - 1
DiscordSVR CommandConsole
#615 opened by LordCandyAndy - 2
Allow alerts for console messages
#616 opened by ryantheleach - 1
Adding DiscordSRV as a dependency in Kotlin plugins built with Maven causes the build to error
#617 opened by eirikh1996